/Vintage/Sinclair/Software/ZX Spectrum Software/Interface 2 Cartridges/Multi Rom (Sinclair.HU)/

k1.spdns.de / Vintage / Sinclair / Software / ZX Spectrum Software / Interface 2 Cartridges / Multi Rom (Sinclair.HU) /

Interface II Multi ROM

Hungarian users have put together a ROM cartridge with all 10 ever released games plus the ZX80 and ZX81 emulators by Paul Farrow plus some modified Basic ROMs, e.g. the SE Basic by Andrew Owen. Obviously this is a private project and owning this module assumes that you have bought all the games.

As you can read in the Doityourself section for Interface II cartridges, this is not an easy task, because without some genious ideas it is impossible to use anything else but 16K ROMs.

The images and screenshots of the Multi ROM are taken from Sinclair.HU with kind allowance of Sam. Joe. The Multi ROM image was provided by Kardos Balász. As stated above you must own the contained games for legal reasons though it is of little use 'as is', because you must either build a Multi ROM cartridge and blow it into an EPROM or look for an emulator to support this. [support for zxsp-osx is planned. 2006-04-02 kio!]

Note: the Multi ROM image has been removed due to legal considerations. I will send a copy on request via email, but i will require proof that you own tapes or cartridges of the games. this world sucks. thanks.


Name Letzte Änderung Länge 
Doityourself, IF2 cartridges/ 2020-08-27 14:08 11 
size: 320 × 240
2005-12-10 18:43 12577 
size: 320 × 240
2005-12-10 18:43 17497 
if2_multirom_menu_v13 Kopie.gif
size: 320 × 245
2005-12-10 18:43 26431 
multi14b.rom 2006-04-02 12:28 262144 
size: 320 × 245
2005-12-10 18:43 26431 

I try to ask for permissions for each image, but this is extremely time-consuming. So if you find your work here, i'll be happy to to add a courtesy note to the image or, on demand, remove the image. Please send mail to kio.

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