vipsi knows about 170 built-in List functions: words Shell Immediate Commands: wordswords: Vipsi command syntax: Instructions Instructions Glossary: Instructioninstructions, Vipsi command syntax: Functions Functions Glossary: Functionfunctions, Constants Glossary: Constantconstants, Operators and Functions with Side Effects: operator ++ and --operators and Separatorsseparators.
List functions: thisthis Data Types: Lists and arrays Item selector "[]": Lists Glossary: list, list_vallist was generated using Flow control: if … then Flow control: try … thenthe List functions: words Shell Immediate Commands: wordsword List functions: words Shell Immediate Commands: wordswords:
, ; ( ) [ ] { }
Add "+": Monadic operator "+" Subtract "-": Monadic operator "-" Built-in operators: monadic operators:Monadic operators
++ --
Operators: Assignment "=" Built-in operators: Assignments:Assignment Vipsi command syntax: Operators Operators Glossary: Operatoroperators
= += -= *= /= %= #= >>= <<= &&= ||= ^= &= |= ##= ->
Other diadic Vipsi command syntax: Operators Operators Glossary: Operatoroperators
+ - * / % # ## > < >= <= == != << >> && || & | ^ .
Operators: Select "? :"Triadic operators
? :
Constants Glossary: ConstantConstants
Constants: ecec Constants: pipi Constants: nlnl Constants: tabtab Constants: stdinstdin Constants: stdoutstdout Constants: stderrstderr
Vipsi command syntax: Functions Functions Glossary: FunctionFunctions
! ~ @ Text functions: file Instructions: filefile List functions: dir Instructions: dir Shell Immediate Commands: dirdir Text functions: link Instructions: linklink pipe sock Numeric functions: mdatemdate Numeric functions: countcount Numeric functions: indexindex Vipsi command syntax: Identifiers (names) Identifiers, names Operators: Make Identifier "@" Text functions: name Glossary: Name, Identifiername Numeric functions: randomrandom Numeric functions: absabs
Numeric functions: signsign Numeric functions: intint Numeric functions: fractfract Numeric functions: roundround Numeric functions: minmin Numeric functions: maxmax Numeric functions: coscos Numeric functions: sinsin Numeric functions: tantan Numeric functions: acosacos Numeric functions: asinasin Numeric functions: atanatan Numeric functions: coshcosh
Numeric functions: sinhsinh Numeric functions: tanhtanh logn Numeric functions: log2log2 Numeric functions: log Numeric functions: loge Instructions: logloge Numeric functions: log10log10 Numeric functions: exp Numeric functions: expeexp Numeric functions: exp2exp2 Numeric functions: exp Numeric functions: expeexpe Numeric functions: exp10exp10 Numeric functions: squaresquare Numeric functions: sqrtsqrt
Numeric functions: istextistext Numeric functions: isnumberisnumber Numeric functions: islistislist Numeric functions: isprocisproc Numeric functions: isfileisfile Numeric functions: isdirisdir Numeric functions: islinkislink Numeric functions: existsexists Data Types: Text Text functions: stringstring
Text functions: upperstrupperstr Text functions: lowerstrlowerstr Text functions: spacestrspacestr Text functions: charstrcharstr Numeric functions: charcodecharcode Text functions: hexstrhexstr Text functions: binstrbinstr Text functions: substrsubstr
Text functions: midstrmidstr Text functions: leftstrleftstr Text functions: rightstrrightstr Text functions: datestrdatestr Numeric functions: nownow Numeric functions: datevaldateval Numeric functions: findfind Numeric functions: rfindrfind List functions: env Shell Immediate Commands: env Shell Immediate Commands: envenv List functions: words Shell Immediate Commands: wordswords
Text functions: info Shell Immediate Commands: infoinfo List functions: globals Shell Immediate Commands: globalsglobals List functions: localslocals List functions: thisthis Numeric functions: matchmatch Text functions: fullpathfullpath
Vipsi command syntax: Instructions Instructions Glossary: InstructionInstructions
Functions with varying return types: eval Instructions: evaleval Functions with varying return types: call Instructions: callcall Text functions: sys Instructions: syssys Functions with varying return types: include Instructions: includeinclude List functions: split Instructions: splitsplit List functions: join Instructions: joinjoin Text functions: convert Instructions: convertconvert Text functions: replace Instructions: replacereplace Instructions: newnew Instructions: deldel Instructions: swapswap Instructions: var How does VScript::Value() work?: Var*&var
Instructions: freezefreeze Instructions: meltmelt Instructions: putput Numeric functions: log Numeric functions: loge Instructions: loglog Instructions: getget Instructions: editedit Instructions: getchargetchar Instructions: writewrite Instructions: readread Functions with varying return types: ioctl Instructions: ioctlioctl Instructions: waitwait Instructions: sortsort
Instructions: rsortrsort Instructions: openopen Instructions: openinopenin Instructions: openoutopenout Instructions: closeclose Instructions: renamerename Instructions: cd Shell Immediate Commands: cdcd
Vipsi command syntax: Flow control Flow controlFlow control
Instructions: procproc Flow control: returnreturn Flow control: end Shell Immediate Commands: exit, quit, endend Flow control: do … loopdo Flow control: if … then Flow control: try … thenthen Flow control: if … thenif Flow control: if … then Flow control: try … thenelse Flow control: if … thenelif Flow control: try … thentry Flow control: whilewhile Flow control: untiluntil Flow control: exit Shell Immediate Commands: exit, quit, endexit Flow control: nextnext
Flow control: do … looploop
Shell Immediate Commands Invariants: Shell immediate commandsShell immediate commands
List functions: globals Shell Immediate Commands: globalsglobals List functions: words Shell Immediate Commands: wordswords Text functions: info Shell Immediate Commands: infoinfo Shell Immediate Commands: pwdpwd Instructions: cd Shell Immediate Commands: cdcd List functions: dir Instructions: dir Shell Immediate Commands: dirdir List functions: env Shell Immediate Commands: env Shell Immediate Commands: envenv Shell Immediate Commands: exit, quit, endexit quit end