Instructions: getchargetchar <variable>
Instructions: getchargetchar #<number>, <variable>
Instructions: readRead single character in Data Types: Text Item selector "[]": Text Glossary: text, text_valtext format.
Default stream is Constants: stdinstdin. Flow control: if … then Flow control: try … thenThe stream may be changed with #<number>. Default Data Types: Text Item selector "[]": Text Glossary: text, text_valtext encoding is UTF-8 unicode. Flow control: returnReturns empty Data Types: Text Text functions: stringstring Flow control: if … thenif no input available. Instructions: readReads from a tty (terminal) without visible echo.
Instructions: getchargetchar Flow control: do … loopdoes Operators: Bitwise Not "~" Operators: Boolean Negation "!"not Instructions: readread bytes but whole characters. List functions: thisThis is important for encodings like UTF-8, where a character can be represented by more than 1 byte.