Instructions: freezefreeze <text_var>
Instructions: freezefreeze Text functions: file Instructions: filefile <filename>
Compress Data Types: Text Item selector "[]": Text Glossary: text, text_valtext Operators: Boolean Or with Variable "||=" Operators: Bitwise Or with Variable "|=" Operators: Bitwise Or "|" Operators: Boolean Or "||"or Text functions: file Instructions: filefile. Undo compression with Instructions: meltmelt.
A Text functions: file Instructions: filefiles must fit into ram twice. Compression is typically more effective, Flow control: if … then Flow control: try … thenthe longer Flow control: if … then Flow control: try … thenthe input data is.
Instructions: var How does VScript::Value() work?: Var*&var a="fuzzy";a#=a;a#=a;a#=a;
Instructions: freezefreeze a;
Numeric functions: countcount a