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zasm - Z80 Assembler – Version 4.4

Command Line Options


Announce that this is an assembler source in the Intel 8080 assembler format with these 'weird mnemonics'. This option implies the option --Command Line Options: --casefold, .casefold
Commands for command line options: --casefold, .casefold
Label definition: --casefold
casefold and Pseudo instructions: defl, set and '='
Labels: SET
set's the default cpu target to the Intel 8080.

'--asm8080' can be used in combination with '--Command Line Options: --z80
Pseudo instructions: .z80, .z180 and .8080
Targets: #target Z80
z80' to assemble source for a Command Line Options: --z80
Pseudo instructions: .z80, .z180 and .8080
Targets: #target Z80
Z80 (including the Command Line Options: --z80
Pseudo instructions: .z80, .z180 and .8080
Targets: #target Z80
Z80's additional opcodes) in 8080 assembler syntax. See section about 8080 assembler instructions.
Alternative: Use the Pseudo instructions
8080 Assembler: 8080 pseudo instructions
pseudo instruction '.asm8080' at the start of the source file.

Note: The Pseudo instructions
8080 Assembler: 8080 pseudo instructions
pseudo instruction '.8080' has a similar effect but does not only select 8080 assembler syntax but also Pseudo instructions: defl, set and '='
Labels: SET
set's the target cpu to Intel 8080.

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