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zasm - Z80 Assembler – Version 4.4

Command Line Options


Since version 4.3.0: Convert 8080 assembler source file to Command Line Options: --z80
Pseudo instructions: .z80, .z180 and .8080
Targets: #target Z80
Z80 style.

zasm converts the source and writes it to the output file or a file with a derived name. Then it assembles the original source and the converted source and compares the outputs. The Command Line Options: --z80
Pseudo instructions: .z80, .z180 and .8080
Targets: #target Z80
Z80 source is assembled with option '--Command Line Options: --casefold, .casefold
Commands for command line options: --casefold, .casefold
Label definition: --casefold
casefold'. Flags required to assemble the 8080 source – e.g. '--reqcolon' – must also be used for the conversion. The source is converted independently of any successive errors.

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