Define a Types of labels: redefinable named values Types of labels: Redefinable named valuesredefinable named value:
<name>[:][:] Pseudo instructions: defl, set and '=' Labels: SETset <value>
<name>[:][:] defl <value>
<name>[:][:] = <value>
Pseudo instructions: Label definition Numeric expressions: Labels 8080 Assembler: LabelsLabels defined with this keyword can be redefined at some later position.
Especially for use in Pseudo instructions: macro, .macro, endm and .endm 8080 pseudo instructions: MACROmacros it is useful to allow Pseudo instructions: Label definition Numeric expressions: Labels 8080 Assembler: Labelslabels which can be redefined to another value.
#insert: Examples: #assert: Example: incbin: Examples: #assert: Example:Example: define a Pseudo instructions: macro, .macro, endm and .endm 8080 pseudo instructions: MACROmacro which counts the occurances af something: Note: the final count is only valid after the last use of this Pseudo instructions: macro, .macro, endm and .endm 8080 pseudo instructions: MACROmacro in your source!
foo Pseudo instructions: defl, set and '=' Labels: SETset 0
Pseudo instructions: macro, .macro, endm and .endm 8080 pseudo instructions: MACROmacro COUNT
foo Pseudo instructions: defl, set and '=' Labels: SETset foo+1
Pseudo instructions: macro, .macro, endm and .endm Pseudo instructions: rept, .rept, endm and .endmendm
#insert: Examples: #assert: Example: incbin: Examples: #assert: Example:Example: use of a redefinable Pseudo instructions: Label definition Numeric expressions: Labels 8080 Assembler: Labelslabel in place of a Types of labels: Program labels Types of labels: Program labelsprogram label: Note: forward jumping couldn't be implemented this way!
Pseudo instructions: macro, .macro, endm and .endm 8080 pseudo instructions: MACROmacro WAIT
ld b,10
foo defl $
call wait_1ms
djnz foo
Pseudo instructions: macro, .macro, endm and .endm Pseudo instructions: rept, .rept, endm and .endmendm
The Pseudo instructions: Label definition Numeric expressions: Labels 8080 Assembler: Labelslabel's value is valid from the position where it was defined to the position where it is redefinedor the Pseudo instructions: end, .end 8080 pseudo instructions: ENDend of the source. References to this Pseudo instructions: Label definition Numeric expressions: Labels 8080 Assembler: Labelslabel before it's first definition are illegal!
For more information see the chapter about label definition.