/Vintage/Sinclair/Software/ZX Spectrum Software/Kio/

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Kio's own homebrewn Software

zxsp.gif Here is some own stuff, which i have written for the ZX Spectrum and which could be saved over all the time. Consider this free software with a BSD-style license: copy, modify and sell as you like, but mention my name.

The only useful program is probably 'Spriter', a sprite designer.

'Meteoriten' is my first try for a game, written in Basic with some parts compiled with Hisoft Basic compiler. That Basic compiler was sooooo expensive. 20 DM! and then it could not even handle floating point...

'Forth' was a first try to write a forth-style programming language. At that time i did not even know about Forth... Hmm, and it could not be breaked. I learned it the hard way, when i programmed a loop to emit a frequency sweep from highest pitch to lowest. At start it was pretty fast dropping down, but the lower, the slower, because each phase became longer. After some minutes i calculated how long it would take to complete - and resetted the Specci. :-|

'Newbench' is the successor of 'Bench', a program to measure the real speed of a Specci, especially an emulated virtual one. It should print 100%, but it doesn't. My initial timing of my real-world Specci was slightly inaccurate. But the original 'bench' made me happy, when it printed for the first time "Now you own again 86% ZX Spectrum" on 'Mac Spectacle', my first emulator for MacOS, on my Mac LC III. Whow, what a success!

The keyboard file is a keyboard replacement code for letter-wise input of basic programs for use with my self-wired 'real' keyboard, which had some more than 40 keys. The additional keys were passed with data bit D6, afair. Source is lost, and i still want to disassemble and recompile it some day...


Name Letzte Änderung Länge 
EPROM module/ 2019-08-20 05:25
Labyrinth/ 2019-08-20 05:25
Meteoriten/ 2019-08-20 05:25
Newbench/ 2019-08-20 05:25
Sprite Designer/ 2019-08-20 05:25
Forth.tape 1997-12-16 03:15 23506 
Keyboard-Routine.tape 1999-10-01 12:09 850 
Mastermind.tape 1997-12-16 03:16 5071 
Schiffe Versenken.tape 1997-12-16 03:16 7925 

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