vipsi - the friendly vip script interpreter

Example Scripts


BOOK: Create Online Books

Source text for this chapter

//      Every line starts with a 'tag'
//      Most of Flow control: if … then
Flow control: try … then
translate to Flow control: if … then
Flow control: try … then
identical html tag h2 Example Scripts: LibrariesLibraries // -------------------------------------------------- h3 Libraries: HTML: Html UtilitiesHTML: Html Utilities p Flow control: if … then
Flow control: try … then
html library contains tools to easily enclose Data Types: Text
Item selector "[]": Text
Glossary: text, text_val
in html tags Operators: Boolean Or with Variable "||="
Operators: Bitwise Or with Variable "|="
Operators: Bitwise Or "|"
Operators: Boolean Or "||"
url-encode Text functions: link
Instructions: link
Operators: Boolean And with Variable "&&="
Operators: Bitwise And with Variable "&="
Operators: Bitwise And "&"
Operators: Boolean And "&&"
html encode source Data Types: Text
Item selector "[]": Text
Glossary: text, text_val
with a lot of intelligence added. h4 Online Chat: Download links
Search Site: Download link
Print Environment: Download link
Online Z80 Assembler: Download link
Show Beautified Folder Listings: Download link
Sort-of-a Shell: Download link
Factorial "!": Download link
Prime Factor Factorizing: Download link
Speedometer: Download link
HTML: Html Utilities: Download link
TEXT: Text Utilities: Download link
DIR: File system utilities: Download link
BOOK: Create Online Books: Download link
Download link
p.c List functions: thisThis Text functions: file
Instructions: file
is included in every distribution. p.c <a href="libs/HTML.vl">HTML.vl</a> h4 HTML: Html Utilities: Listing of HTML.vlListing of HTML.vl Functions with varying return types: include
Instructions: include
libs/HTML.vl // -------------------------------------------------- h3 Libraries: TEXT: Text UtilitiesTEXT: Text Utilities p List functions: thisThis library contains some Data Types: Text
Item selector "[]": Text
Glossary: text, text_val
utilities, like white space clipping Operators: Boolean Or with Variable "||="
Operators: Bitwise Or with Variable "|="
Operators: Bitwise Or "|"
Operators: Boolean Or "||"
splitting of Data Types: Text
Item selector "[]": Text
Glossary: text, text_val
into List functions: words
Shell Immediate Commands: words
. h4 Online Chat: Download links
Search Site: Download link
Print Environment: Download link
Online Z80 Assembler: Download link
Show Beautified Folder Listings: Download link
Sort-of-a Shell: Download link
Factorial "!": Download link
Prime Factor Factorizing: Download link
Speedometer: Download link
HTML: Html Utilities: Download link
TEXT: Text Utilities: Download link
DIR: File system utilities: Download link
BOOK: Create Online Books: Download link
Download link
p List functions: thisThis Text functions: file
Instructions: file
is included in every distribution. p.c <a href="libs/Data Types: Text
Item selector "[]": Text
Glossary: text, text_val
.vl">Data Types: Text
Item selector "[]": Text
Glossary: text, text_val
.vl</a> h4 TEXT: Text Utilities: Listing of TEXT.vlListing of TEXT.vl Functions with varying return types: include
Instructions: include
libs/Data Types: Text
Item selector "[]": Text
Glossary: text, text_val
.vl // -------------------------------------------------- h3 Libraries: DIR: File system utilitiesDIR: File system utilities p List functions: thisThis library contains some Text functions: file
Instructions: file
system tools, like traversing a whole directory tree. It's Operators: Bitwise Not "~"
Operators: Boolean Negation "!"
much yet. (as of version 0.8.7) h4 Online Chat: Download links
Search Site: Download link
Print Environment: Download link
Online Z80 Assembler: Download link
Show Beautified Folder Listings: Download link
Sort-of-a Shell: Download link
Factorial "!": Download link
Prime Factor Factorizing: Download link
Speedometer: Download link
HTML: Html Utilities: Download link
TEXT: Text Utilities: Download link
DIR: File system utilities: Download link
BOOK: Create Online Books: Download link
Download link
p.c List functions: thisThis Text functions: file
Instructions: file
is included in every distribution. p.c <a href="libs/List functions: dir
Instructions: dir
Shell Immediate Commands: dir
.vl">List functions: dir
Instructions: dir
Shell Immediate Commands: dir
.vl</a> h4 DIR: File system utilities: Listing of DIR.vlListing of DIR.vl Functions with varying return types: include
Instructions: include
libs/List functions: dir
Instructions: dir
Shell Immediate Commands: dir
.vl // -------------------------------------------------- h3 Libraries: BOOK: Create Online BooksBOOK: Create Online Books p Based on Flow control: if … then
Flow control: try … then
<i>Data Types: Text
Item selector "[]": Text
Glossary: text, text_val
.vl</i> Operators: Boolean And with Variable "&&="
Operators: Bitwise And with Variable "&="
Operators: Bitwise And "&"
Operators: Boolean And "&&"
<i>HTML.vl</i> library List functions: thisthis library serves 95% of all required to create an online documentation as List functions: thisthis one. For each documentation you need your documentation sources, Operators: Boolean And with Variable "&&="
Operators: Bitwise And with Variable "&="
Operators: Bitwise And "&"
Operators: Boolean And "&&"
a Example Scripts: CGI Scripts
Example Scripts: Scripts
which wraps it all, which i happen to Functions with varying return types: call
Instructions: call
<i>automate.vs</i>. I'll Operators: Add to Variable "+="
Operators: Add "+"
Flow control: if … then
Flow control: try … then
very Example Scripts: CGI Scripts
Example Scripts: Scripts
used for List functions: thisthis documentation after Flow control: if … then
Flow control: try … then
<i>BOOK.vl</i> Online Chat: Listings
Search Site: Listing
Print Environment: Listing
Online Z80 Assembler: Listing
Show Beautified Folder Listings: Listing
Sort-of-a Shell: Listing
Factorial "!": Listing
Prime Factor Factorizing: Listing
Speedometer: Listing
VIP Script Test Suite: Listing
. p Flow control: if … then
Flow control: try … then
wrapper Example Scripts: CGI Scripts
Example Scripts: Scripts
Functions with varying return types: include
Instructions: include
<i>BOOK.vl</i>, Flow control: if … then
Flow control: try … then
adjusts some of Flow control: if … then
Flow control: try … then
settings, Operators: Add to Variable "+="
Operators: Add "+"
some individual handlers Operators: Boolean And with Variable "&&="
Operators: Bitwise And with Variable "&="
Operators: Bitwise And "&"
Operators: Boolean And "&&"
Flow control: if … then
Flow control: try … then
Functions with varying return types: call
Instructions: call
<tt>Doit()</tt> which should Flow control: do … loopdo it. ;-) p For that you can Instructions: getget a thought of how Flow control: if … then
Flow control: try … then
documentation sources look like, i'll finally Functions with varying return types: include
Instructions: include
Flow control: if … then
Flow control: try … then
source for List functions: thisthis chapter. h4 Online Chat: Download links
Search Site: Download link
Print Environment: Download link
Online Z80 Assembler: Download link
Show Beautified Folder Listings: Download link
Sort-of-a Shell: Download link
Factorial "!": Download link
Prime Factor Factorizing: Download link
Speedometer: Download link
HTML: Html Utilities: Download link
TEXT: Text Utilities: Download link
DIR: File system utilities: Download link
BOOK: Create Online Books: Download link
Download link
p.c List functions: thisThis file is included in every distribution. p.c <a href="libs/BOOK.vl">BOOK.vl</a> <a href="source/automate.vs">automate.vs</a> h4 BOOK: Create Online Books: Listing of BOOK.vlListing of BOOK.vl Functions with varying return types: include
Instructions: include
libs/BOOK.vl h4 BOOK: Create Online Books: Listing of automate.vsListing of automate.vs Functions with varying return types: include
Instructions: include
automate.vs h4 BOOK: Create Online Books: Source text for this chapterSource text for this chapter Functions with varying return types: include
Instructions: include

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