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zasm - Z80 Assembler – Version 4.4


#target TZX

#target tzx
Assembler directives: #code
Including C Source Files: #code
#code <name>, <start>,<len>,<flag> Assembler directives: #code
Including C Source Files: #code
#code <name>, <start>,<len>,<flag> Assembler directives: #code
Including C Source Files: #code
#code <name>, <start>,<len>,<flag>,... ...

Introduced in version 4.2.0

#target TZX creates a tape file for the ZX Spectrum, ZX81, Amstrad CPC, SAM Coupé, Jupiter ACE and Enterprise or similar computers. This tape file format represents programs and data saved to a music compact cassette by the original ZX Spectrum or custom tape saving routines.

While a TAP file can only contain standard data blocks as saved with the original ZX Spectrum "save tape" routine, TZX files can contain data blocks with custom encoding, e.g. turbo loading blocks or ZX81-like blocks, additional emulator information and custom audio sequences. TZX files were originally used for preserving and archiving real ZX Spectrum tapes.

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