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zasm - Z80 Assembler – Version 4.4

Including C Source Files


Assembler directives: #cpath
Including C Source Files: #cpath
#cpath "/path/to/c-compiler"

#insert: Examples:
#assert: Example:
incbin: Examples:
#assert: Example:

Assembler directives: #cpath
Including C Source Files: #cpath
#cpath "/usr/bin/sdcc" Assembler directives: #cpath
Including C Source Files: #cpath
#cpath "sdcc"

Pseudo instructions: defl, set and '='
Labels: SET
Set the path to the c-compiler from the assembler source file. Normally you Pseudo instructions: defl, set and '='
Labels: SET
set the path from the command line with option -c. The path given on the command line overrides the Assembler directives: #cpath
Including C Source Files: #cpath
#cpath declaration in the file. Assembler directives: #if, #elif, #else, #endif
Pseudo instructions: if, endif
If more than one Assembler directives: #cpath
Including C Source Files: #cpath
#cpath directive is given, then only the first is evaluated and all others are silently ignored.

The Assembler directives: #cpath
Including C Source Files: #cpath
#cpath directive can also be used to declare the compiler to use (without directory path), either sdcc or vcc. Then the executable will be searched in your search path.

In CGI-Mode this directive is not allowed.

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