Define the logical Pseudo instructions: end, .end 8080 pseudo instructions: ENDend of your source.
Pseudo instructions: end, .end 8080 pseudo instructions: ENDend must not be inside an #if branch or in a Assembler directives: #local, #endlocal, .local and .endlocal Pseudo instructions: #local, #endlocal, .local and .endlocal Including C Source Files: #local, #endlocal, .local and .endlocal#local scope. This is so that using Pseudo instructions: end, .end 8080 pseudo instructions: ENDend does not disable the test for a missing #endif or Assembler directives: #local, #endlocal, .local and .endlocal Pseudo instructions: #local, #endlocal, .local and .endlocal Including C Source Files: #local, #endlocal, .local and .endlocal#endlocal.
Anything after 'Pseudo instructions: end, .end 8080 pseudo instructions: ENDend' is ignored by the assembler.
This Pseudo instructions 8080 Assembler: 8080 pseudo instructionspseudo instruction is an alias for the assembler directive #end.
This instruction is optional.
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