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zasm - Z80 Assembler – Version 4.4

Pseudo instructions

dup, .dup, edup and .edup

    dup <value>

DUP and EDUP were introduced as an alias for Pseudo instructions: rept, .rept, endm and .endm
8080 pseudo instructions: REPT
REPT and Pseudo instructions: macro, .macro, endm and .endm
Pseudo instructions: rept, .rept, endm and .endm
ENDM in version 4.1.4.

This Pseudo instructions
8080 Assembler: 8080 pseudo instructions
pseudo instructions defines a sequence of source which shall be stored into code multiple times. By use of a redefinable Pseudo instructions: Label definition
Numeric expressions: Labels
8080 Assembler: Labels
label the stored values may even be adjusted slightly. This is a lightweight form of an ad-hoc Pseudo instructions: macro, .macro, endm and .endm
8080 pseudo instructions: MACRO

The names with or without dot may be used interchangeable.

Assembler directives (starting with '#') are not allowed inside Pseudo instructions: macro, .macro, endm and .endm
8080 pseudo instructions: MACRO

#insert: Examples:
#assert: Example:
incbin: Examples:
#assert: Example:

; from the source of dzx7_lom:
    DUP     3
    add     a
    jr      c, dzx7l_process_ref
v   defl    0
    DUP     8
    ld      a, regs2 + v/2
v   defl    v+2
    cp      a, v
    jr      nz, 0

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