<number> = <number> * <number>
Operators: Multiply to Variable "*=" Operators: Multiply "*"Multiply two numeric Glossary: Valuevalues.
Operators: Multiply to Variable "*=" Operators: Multiply "*"Multiply two numeric Glossary: Valuevalues Operators: Boolean Or with Variable "||=" Operators: Bitwise Or with Variable "|=" Operators: Bitwise Or "|" Operators: Boolean Or "||"or Glossary: text, text_valtext values, which are converted to Data Types: Numbersnumbers, results in a Glossary: number, num_valnumber. Flow control: if … thenIf one Glossary: Operator Glossary: Operandoperand is a Data Types: Lists and arrays Item selector "[]": Lists Glossary: list, list_vallist, Flow control: if … then Flow control: try … thenthe result is a Data Types: Lists and arrays Item selector "[]": Lists Glossary: list, list_vallist, where Flow control: if … then Flow control: try … thenthe operation was applied to all items. Flow control: if … thenIf both are Data Types: Lists and arrays Item selector "[]": Lists Glossary: list, list_vallists, they should Numeric functions: matchmatch in size Operators: Boolean And with Variable "&&=" Operators: Bitwise And with Variable "&=" Operators: Bitwise And "&" Operators: Boolean And "&&"and Flow control: if … then Flow control: try … thenthe operation is applied to all matching items. Unmatched items are copied 'as is'.
vipsi> 4*5 = 20
vipsi> Instructions: putput {4,5}*3 = { 12, 15 }
vipsi> Instructions: putput {4,5}*{2,3} = { 8, 15 }
'*' is also used as a Operators: Multiply "*"wildcard in patterns for Numeric functions: matchmatch Operators: Boolean And with Variable "&&=" Operators: Bitwise And with Variable "&=" Operators: Bitwise And "&" Operators: Boolean And "&&"and List functions: dir Instructions: dir Shell Immediate Commands: dirdir.
Instructions: var How does VScript::Value() work?: Var*&var cafélogo = List functions: dir Instructions: dir Shell Immediate Commands: dirdir("./*.gif")
'*' is also used as a dir: flagsflag for Instructions: deldel to delete all Glossary: Variable, var_refvariables in Flow control: if … then Flow control: try … thenthe Instructions: Local scope "{}"local scope.
Instructions: deldel *
'*' is also used as a dir: flagsflag in Flow control: if … then Flow control: try … thenthe parameter Data Types: Lists and arrays Item selector "[]": Lists Glossary: list, list_vallist of Vipsi command syntax: Procedures Data Types: Procedures Glossary: Procedureprocedures to accept any Glossary: number, num_valnumber of Vipsi command syntax: Arguments Glossary: Argumentsarguments.
Instructions: procproc zähle(a,*)
Instructions: putput "a=", a, " "
Instructions: putput "argc=", Numeric functions: countcount List functions: localslocals, Constants: nlnl