II.2.5  How to Program GALs

After the GAL-Assembler has created the JEDEC file from the source file,
the GAL can be programmed using this JEDEC file. To initiate the
programming of the GAL, simply select Program and give the JEDEC file
name. As soon as the GAL is programmed, a requester pops up, and tells
you the GAL is programmed, and it is OK to remove the GAL from the
programmer's socket.

The steps in programming a GAL:

  1. With a text editor create the source file and save this
     file as "name.pld" (add the extension .pld!)

  2. Assemble the source file. As a result of this you'll get
     a JEDEC file ("name.jed").

  3. Select the GAL type

  4. Insert the GAL in the programmer's socket

  5. Perform the Blank test to verify that the GAL is empty.
     When the GAL is not empty, then you must first erase the GAL
     before it can be programmed, use therefore the function Erase.

  6. Initiate programming by selecting Program.

  7. Take the GAL out of the programmer's socket, -  DONE !