II.2.4 Assembler In order to program a GAL the source file (".pld") must be transposed into a so called JEDEC file. This task is assumed by the GAL-Assembler. The JEDEC file (extension ".jed") is a ASCII file in which all the bits which can be set in a GAL are listed. The state of the fuses (0 or 1) is mediated by the GAL-Assembler from the source file. Besides the JEDEC file, the GAL-Assembler can generate three other files. These files are for documentation only. GALer do not need them really: - The Fuse-File (extension ".fus") shows the state of the bits in the logic matrix. - The chip diagram (extension ".chp") shows the connection diagram of the GAL and the - pin diagram file (extension ".pin") lists all the pins and shows, whether these are programmed as inputs or outputs. The files can be read with a text-editor and possibly post-processed. Selecting the menu Assemble file pops up a requester, called assembler requester. In the assembler requester you can select which files should be generated by the assembler. Just click on the corresponding gadget. Furthermore you can select two other gadgets: Autosave: This means that all selected files are generated automatically without bringing up an extra file requester. The name of the generated files are taken from the source file name. Adjust type of GAL: This means that the type of GAL for which the source file is, is taken over from GALer. For example: You have set a GAL20V8 in GALer's menu. Now you are assembling a source file for a GAL16V8. If the assembly is successful, GAL16V8 will be set in GALer's menu. Selecting the 'Continue' gadget of the assembler requester will pop up a file requester. Now you have to choose your source file. After this the GAL assembler will start assembling. If GALer detects no errors, further file requesters will pop up in which you have to select where to store the generated files.