III.1 Programming GALs

The first question that arises is how can you program a GAL when all the
pins are already defined and no pins are free for the programming?

If you apply a voltage of 12.00 Volt up to 16.5 Volt (depends on GAL type
and on that whether the GAL should be read or programmed) to pin 2, then
the pin description changes, the GAL is then in the Edit mode.

In this section I'll explain how a GAL16V8 and GAL20V8 is read and
programmed. The reading/programming algorithm of the GAL22V10 and GAL20RA10
is similar to that of the GAL16V8 and GAL20V8 so I'll explain only the
GAL16V8 and GAL20V8.

Here the pins in the Edit mode:

                                ---- ----
                         VIL   1|       |20  +5V
                        EDIT   2|       |19  P,/V
                        RAG1   3|       |18  RAG0
                        RAG2   4|       |17  VIL
                        RAG3   5|       |16  VIL
                        RAG4   6|       |15  VIL
                        RAG5   7|       |14  VIL
                        SCLK   8|       |13  VIL
                        SDIN   9|       |12  SDOUT
                        GND   10|       |11  /STR

                                ---- ----
                         VIL   1|       |24  +5V
                        EDIT   2|       |23  VIL
                        RAG1   3|       |22  P,/V
                        RAG2   4|       |21  RAG0
                        RAG3   5|       |20  VIL
                         VIL   6|       |19  VIL
                         VIL   7|       |18  VIL
                        RAG4   8|       |17  VIL
                        RAG5   9|       |16  VIL
                        SCLK  10|       |15  SDOUT
                        SDIN  11|       |14  VIL
                         GND  12|       |13  /STR

Whether the GAL is to be read from or written to is determined by the level
of P,/V. A HIGH means write, a LOW read.

The to be read/written addresses are presented to pins RAG0-RAG5. The
programming occurs as follows:

After giving the addresses to RAG0-RAG5, the to be written bits have to be
presented to SDIN (serially) and by clocking SCLK with a LOW-HIGH-transition
the data is transferred to an internal shift register. A LOW-pulse on the
/STR pin programs the addressed row. This repeats until the whole GAL is

The reading of a GAL proceeds similarly: After presenting the addresses to
RAG0-RAG5 the bits of the corresponding address are put into the internal
shift register by clocking /STR with a LOW-pulse. By clocking SCLK with a
LOW-HIGH-clock transition all the various bits are sent out the SDOUT pin.
The bit width of an address determines the number of SCLK pulses required
to complete the programming or reading the address.

VIL means Input Voltage Low. These pins must be connected to ground
or LOW when the GAL is in the Edit mode.

GALs do have different algorithm codes. These codes determine the parameters
Edit mode voltage and STR pulse width. GALer supports the algorithm codes
0 to 4. The function GAL-Info of GALer returns the algorithm code of
the inserted GAL. This code is not very importent for you, but GALer needs
this code for reading and programming GALs.

            |             READ           |           PROGRAM
 Algorithm  |  Edit mode    | STR pulse  |   Edit mode    | STR pulse
            | read voltage  |            | prog. voltage  |
          0 |  12 ± 0,25 V  |    5 us    | 15,75 ± 0,25 V | 80 ± 5 ms
          1 |  12 ± 0,25 V  |    5 us    | 15,75 ± 0,25 V | 80 ± 5 ms
          2 |  12 ± 0,25 V  |    5 us    | 16,50 ± 0,25 V | 10 ± 1 ms
          3 |  12 ± 0,25 V  |    5 us    | 14,50 ± 0,25 V | 40 ± 5 ms
          4 |  12 ± 0,25 V  |    5 us    | 14,00 ± 0,25 V |100 ± 5 ms

To erase a GAL you have to apply HIGH to P/V then pulse STR low for
100 ms and then apply LOW to P/V. After this the GAL is erased and ready
to be programmed again.

The internal organization of the GAL (addresses of the parts) looks as

GAL16V8, GAL16V8A,B:

Address                                         Width

 0-31           Fuse-Matrix                     64 Bit
   32           Signature                       64 Bit
33-59           reserved space                  64 Bit
   60           Architecture-Control-Word ACW   82 Bit
   61           Security bit
   62           reserved
   63           Bulk Erase

GAL20V8, GAL20V8A,B:

Address                                         Width

 0-39           Fuse-Matrix                     64 Bit
   40           Signature                       64 Bit
41-59           reserved space                  64 Bit
   60           Architecture-Control-Word ACW   82 Bit
   61           Security bit
   62           reserved
   63           Bulk Erase

The Architecture-Control-Word has the following structure (82 Bit wide):

Bits  0-31: 32 bit product term enable 0-31
Bits 32-35: 4 Bit XOR(n) for OLMC pins 19-16
Bit     36: AC0-Bit
Bits 37-44: 8 Bit AC1(n) for OLMC pins 19-12
Bit     45: SYN-Bit
Bits 46-49: 4 Bit XOR(n) for OLMC pins 15-12
Bits 50-81: 32 Bit product term enable 32-63

Bits  0-3: 4 Bit XOR(n) for OLMC pins 19-16
Bit     4: AC0
Bit   5-8: 4 Bit AC1(n) for OLMC pins 19-16
Bit  9-72: 64 Bit product term enable PT0 - PT63
Bit 73-76: 4 Bit AC1(n) for OLMC pins 15-12
Bit    77: SYN
Bit 78-81: 4 Bit XOR(n) for OLMC pins 15-12

Bits  0-31: 32 Bit product term enable 0-31
Bits 32-35: 4 Bit XOR(n) for OLMC pins 22-19
Bit     36: AC0-Bit
Bits 37-44: 8 Bit AC1(n) für OLMC pins 22-15
Bit     45: SYN-Bit
Bits 46-49: 4 Bit XOR(n) für OLMC pins 18-15
Bits 50-81: 32 Bit product term enable 32-63

Bits  0-3: 4 Bit XOR(n) for OLMC pins 22-19
Bit     4: AC0
Bit   5-8: 4 Bit AC1(n) for OLMC pins 22-19
Bit  9-72: 64 Bit product term enable PT0 - PT63
Bit 73-76: 4 Bit AC1(n) for OLMC pins 18-15
Bit    77: SYN
Bit 78-81: 4 Bit XOR(n) for OLMC pins 18-15