
k1.spdns.de / Develop / Hardware / Wz-Beleuchtung / www /
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CC2541_Breakout_Board_Eagle_files/ 2019-08-20 05:22
swra117d.pdf 2014-06-30 17:00 2320715 
AVR mit BTM-222 Class1 Bluetooth-Modul mit SPP firmware 99 
Bluetooth Antenne auf PCB mit Via - Mikrocontroller.net 108 
BTM-222 - Mikrocontroller.net 109 
BTM-222 92 
EAGLE library for 2.45GHz planar inverted F antenna (PIFA) | ShutterFreak! 166 
How to set up a BTM 222 and connect it to Android 94 
IFA (Inverted F Antenna) eagle liberary - Bluetooth® Low Energy Forum - Wireless Connectivity - TI E2E Community 128 

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