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zasm - Z80 Assembler – Version 4.4

Command Line Options

-y --cycles

Requests to include accumulated cpu cycles in the list file.

'accumulated' means that zasm does not print the individual execution time for each instruction but sums it up for a thread of code. Types of labels: Program labels
Types of labels: Program labels
Program labels are supposed to be entry points from arbitrary positions in code and therefore the sum is reset at every Types of labels: Program labels
Types of labels: Program labels
program label. Instructions with varying execution time are given with their run-through time in first place and the branching or repeating time as a second value.

                        ; initialize initialized data:
5DC0: 010C00   [10]             ld  bc,_INITIALIZER_len ; length of segment _INITIALIZER
5DC3: 11355B   [20]             ld  de,_INITIALIZED     ; start of segment _INITIALIZED
5DC6: 21968D   [30]             ld  hl,_INITIALIZER     ; start of segment _INITIALIZER
5DC9: 78       [34]             ld  a,b
5DCA: B1       [38]             or  c
5DCB: 2802     [45|50]          jr  z,$+4
5DCD: EDB0     [61|21]          ldir

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