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zasm - Z80 Assembler – Version 4.4

Pseudo instructions


    .area <name>

Switch to the code or data segment <name>. The following code will be stored in the segment <name>. You can switch between segments any time you like, appending some code here and appending some code there.

Equivalent to

Assembler directives: #code
Including C Source Files: #code
#code <name> Assembler directives: #data
Including C Source Files: #data
#data <name>

except that it does not check the segment type. (data/code)

#insert: Examples:
#assert: Example:
incbin: Examples:
#assert: Example:

; define some uninitialized variables:
    .area _DATA
    .Pseudo instructions: defs, ds, .ds, .block, .blkb and data
8080 pseudo instructions: DS
ds 10 _bu2:: .Pseudo instructions: defs, ds, .ds, .block, .blkb and data
8080 pseudo instructions: DS
ds 10   ; define some initialized variables: .area _INITIALIZED _str3:: .Pseudo instructions: defs, ds, .ds, .block, .blkb and data
8080 pseudo instructions: DS
ds 10 _a_counter:: .Pseudo instructions: defs, ds, .ds, .block, .blkb and data
8080 pseudo instructions: DS
ds 2   ; define some executable code: .area _CODE _Intr: exx ex af,af' ld hl,#_a_counter inc (hl) jr NZ,00103$ inc hl inc (hl) ...

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