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zasm - Z80 Assembler – Version 4.4

Command Line Options

-L path/to/dir

Define the path to the system's library directory. This directory is used by zasm to resolve missing symbols in assembler directive 'Assembler directives: #include
Including C Source Files: #include
#include system library'.

The default location is derived from the include directory path. Assembler directives: #if, #elif, #else, #endif
Pseudo instructions: if, endif
If the include directory path was not specified on the command line then the library path must be specified or 'Assembler directives: #include
Including C Source Files: #include
#include system library' won't work. But you still can hard code the path in the Assembler directives: #include
Including C Source Files: #include
#include statement.

Assembler directives: #if, #elif, #else, #endif
Pseudo instructions: if, endif
If a partial path is used then your current working directory applies.

Note: mind the space!

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