DESCRIPTION Martianoids is a 3D scrolling isometric arcade game. INSTRUCTIONS Guide the computer program to the receiver in each of the sections of the game. KEYBOARD CONTROLS Left: Your Droid will turn Left using X, V and N keys. Right: Your Droid will turn Right using C, B and M keys. Forward: Your Droid will move forward using A, S, D, F..."Enter" row. Laser: You can fire your laser using Q, E, T, U and O keys. Blaster: You can fire your blaster using W, R, Y, I and P keys. Pick Up/Drop: You can pick up and drop spare parts by using 1, 2, 3, 4...0,Z and "Symbol Shift". JOYSTICK CONTROLS Your Droid can be fully controlled using Kempston, Cursor and Interface II joysticks which replace turn Left, Right, Forward, PickUp/Drop (pull back). The blaster is fired using Z, X, C and "Symbol Shift". Pause: MARTIANOIDS can be paused by pressing "Caps Shift" or "Space".