DESCRIPTION Graphics-wise Alien8 is Knightlore set in a spaceship. In this game however you are a little robot, "Alien 8" who's job it is to make sure ALL cryonaughts remain active during the ship's voyage. INSTRUCTIONS Explore the spaceship, collect any objects you come across and place these objects into the correct socket. Sockets flash/sparkle with the object (thermolec valves) they require. ALL valves must be in place before the time runs out. CONTROLS KEYBOARD CONTROLS LEFT Alien 8 will turn left using the Z, C, B and M keys. RIGHT Alien 8 will turn right using the X, V, N and SYMBOL SHIFT keys. MOVE FORWARD Alien 8 will move forward using any key on the second row, A, S, D, F, etc. JUMP Alien 8 will jump using any key on the third row Q, W, E, R PICK UP/DROP Alien 8 can pick up or drop any object using the 1-0 keys PAUSE The whole game can be paused by using the CAPS SHIFT or SPACE/BREAK keys. JOYSTICK CONTROLS Alien 8 can be fully controlled by using the KEMPSTON INTERFACE, CURSOR INTERFACE II and joystick, be replacing the LEFT, RIGHT, FORWARD, JUMP and PICK UP/DROP commands.