BASCOMP2 ======== Ian Cull. 10/6/95. Email: BASCOMP is set of programs written for the ZX Spectrum; using the programs it is possible to compile a subset of ZX-Basic to machine code. BASCOMP consists of two programs; one converts the currently loaded ZX-Basic program into assembly source code, writing it out to disk or microdrive; the second converts the assembly source code from disk to machine code, in RAM. The code can then be saved to disk or tape, and executed. The purpose of compiling ZX-Basic in two stages is so that anyone interested in learning more about machine code, or about compilers, can look at the assembly source code, comparing it with the ZX-Basic that was compiled. It is essential that the BASCOMP documentation be read and understood before using the programs - it is advisable to experiment initially using a disk or microdrive which is blank, so that any mistakes will not result in lost data. BASCOMP may be freely distributed provided that all documentation files remain with it. Any feedback about BASCOMP, comments, enhancements, etc, would be appreciated via email.