[WoS] The following games are known to have been authored with this tool: Title Publisher Antiquity Jones Paul Jenkinson Apulija-13 Alessandro Grussu Binary Mulder Cattivik Gabriele Amore Chopper Drop Paul Jenkinson Donkey Kong Reloaded Gabriele Amore Funky Fungus Alessandro Grussu Kyd Cadet Paul Jenkinson Kyd Cadet II: The Rescue of Pobbleflu Paul Jenkinson Lost in My Spectrum Alessandro Grussu Pitfall III: Wrath of Kingcrock Gabriele Amore Space Disposal Paul Jenkinson Toofy in Fan Land Paul Jenkinson Toofy's Winter Nuts Paul Jenkinson Trooper:Point 5 The Bog Brothers Zbylut Owrzodzien w Kamiennym, Kurwa, Zajebanym Czarcim Kregu Hooy-Program