DATA, 180 | End of file, 192 |
Data files, 187 | EOF, 192 |
keyed access, 212 | ERA, 188 |
number open simultaneously, 189 | ERASE command, 43, 101 |
random access, 199 | Erasing files, 43, 101 |
records, 200 | Errors, 12 |
sequential files, 189 | Error messages, 342 |
Date stamping, 104 | Escape sequences, 157 |
DATE utility, 89 | EXP, 180 |
Debugger, 122 | Expansion port, 70, 122 |
DEF FN, 177 | Expansion tokens, 78, 79, 118, 257 |
DEF USR, 242 | Exponents, 180 |
Default drive, 10, 56 | Expressions, 133 |
DELETE, 141 | |
DELKEY, 225, 230 | FETCHREC, 229 |
DEVICE utility, 59, 89 | FIDs, 316 |
DIM, 153 | ground rules, 317, 323, 330, 337, 341 |
DIR command, 46, 92, 188 | routines, 320-340 |
DIRSYS command, 46, 93 | supervisor calls, 339 |
Disc directory, 46, 92 | FIELD, 202, 217 |
DISCKIT utility, 34, 45, 94 | Field installable devices, 316 |
Discs, 276 | Field variables, 202 |
copying discs, 34, 95 | File sizes, 44 |
free space, 34, 121 | Filenames, 9 |
organising, 48 | FILES, 188 |
preparing for use, 45, 95 | Filetype, 9 |
verifying, 96 | FIND$, 188 |
DISPLAY, 188 | FIX, 186 |
Drives | FOR...NEXT, 167 |
default drive, 10, 56 | Form line, 2 |
drive C, 72 | Formatting discs, 45, 95 |
drive names, 9 | Free space, 34, 121 |
technical description, 274, 330, 337 | Functions, 134, 177 |
DUMP utility, 97 | external functions, 242 |
| trigonometric, 180 |
ED utility, 98 | |
Editing programs, 140 | GENCOM utility, 102 |
keystrokes, 142 | GET, 206, 223 |
Electronic mail, 69 | GET utility, 81, 102 |
ELSE, 169 | GOSUB, 174 |
END, 172 | GOTO, 167 |
Handshaking, 62, 67, 71, 273 | index file, 212 |
HEXCOM utility, 103 | key sets, 234 |
HIMEM, 240 | keys, 212 |
| locks, 213 |
IF...THEN, 168 | opening, 217 |
Index files, 212 | rank, 213, 220 |
Information | reading a record, 222 |
entering information, 146 |
Keywords, 130, 264 |
storage in records, 203, 220 |
KILL, 188 |
storage on disc, 187 | |
storing information, 144 |
LANGUAGE utility, 73, 104 |
INITDIR utility, 104 | Language variants, 73, 104, 248 |
INKEY$, 147 | LEFT$, 183 |
INPUT, 146 | LEN, 183 |
INPUT #, 190 | LIB utility, 105 |
Input from a file, 81, 102 | Line numbers, 139 |
Installing software, 29 | LINK utility, 105 |
INSTR, 184 | LIST, 139, 140 |
INT, 186 | Listing a file, 47 |
| Listing programs, 139 |
Jetsam | Loading BASIC programs, 138 |
see Keyed access files, 212 |
Loading CP/M Plus, 3 |
| LOG, 180 |
K bytes, 21 | LOG10, 180 |
Key definition file, 76, 77 | Logarithms, 180 |
Keyboard, 4, 81 | Logical devices, 57 |
function keys, 257 | Logical expressions, 170 |
key numbers, 77 | Loops, 166, 171 |
language variants, 73 | LOWER$, 184 |
layout, 256 | LPRINT, 157 |
redefining, 75, 117 | LPT, 59, 90, 272 |
Keyed access files, 212 | LSET, 203, 220 |
adding keys, 220, 229 | LST, 89 |
adding new records, 218 | |
allocating memory, 216 | MAC utility, 106 |
changing keys, 230 | Machine code programs, 238, 240 |
changing records, 231 | allocating memory, 240 |
closing, 226 | calling, 242 |
creating, 215 | loading, 241 |
current position, 213 | MAX, 182 |
data files, 212 | MEMORY, 240 |
deleting a record, 224 | Memory disc, 22, 72 |
MID$, 182, 183, 203, 220 | Printers |
MIN, 182 | AUTO-LF selection, 63 |
MKD$, 204 | disabling timeout, 61, 68, 125 |
MKI$, 204 | double line spacing problem, 62 |
MKS$, 204 | initialising a printer, 60, 119 |
MOD, 179 | parallel printers, 58 |
Modems, 69 | protocol, 62, 67 |
| serial printers, 66 |
NAME...AS, 188 | PROFILE.SUB, 23, 28, 54 |
NOT, 171, 181 | Programs |
Numbers, 149 | continuing after stopping, 172 |
| data base programs, 214 |
ON GOSUB, 175 | deleting program lines, 141 |
ON GOTO, 170 | designing, 143, 176 |
OPEN, 189, 190, 201, 205, 217 | editing, 140 |
Operators, 133, 179 | first steps, 137 |
relational, 170,181 | loading from disc, 138 |
OR, 171, 181 | loops, 166 |
Output | machine code programs, 238, 240 |
controlling the output device,157 | renumbering, 141 |
to a file, 82, 110 | running, 138 |
to the printer,157 | stopping, 172 |
to the screen,157 | storing on disc, 138 |
| structure, 165, 172 |
Page mode, 71, 271 | writing a data base program, 214 |
PALETTE utility, 8, 106 | Protecting files, 49, 114 |
Passwords, 51, 114 | PUT, 204, 231 |
PATCH utility, 107 | PUT utility, 82, 110 |
Patches, 238, 239 | |
Physical devices, 57 | | Quote marks, 150
PIP utility, 36, 107 | |
POKE, 239 | RAM disc, 22, 72 |
PRINT, 159 | RAMDISC.FID, 72 |
PRINT #, 189 | Random access files, 199 |
Print format, 156 | changing, 207 |
Print functions, 156 | closing, 207 |
PRINT USING, 157 | creating, 201 |
Print zones, 155 | opening, 201 |
Printer control, 161 | reading, 205 |
Printer port, 58 | Random numbers, 181 |
Rank, 213, 220 | SEEKKEY, 222 |
READ, 145 | SEEKNEXT, 234 |
Records, 200 | SEEKPREV, 234 |
defining, 202, 217 | SEEKSET, 234 |
putting information in, 203, 220 |
Sequential files |
reading, 206 | changing, 192 |
storing numbers in, 203 |
closing, 190, 192 |
writing to disc, 204, 220 |
creating, 189 |
Record number, 200 |
opening, 189 |
REL files, 105 | reading, 190 |
Relational operators, 181 | writing, 189 |
REM, 165 | SERIAL, 70, 90 |
RENAME command, 52, 112, 188 | SERIAL.FID, 70 |
Renaming files, 52, 112, 188 | SET utility, 49, 114 |
RENUM, 141 | SET24X80 utility, 6, 121 |
RESET, 188 | SETDEF utility, 55, 116 |
RESET.KEY, 76 | SETKEYS utility, 75, 117 |
RIGHT$, 183 | SETLST utility, 60, 119 |
RMAC utility, 113 | SETSIO utility, 67, 120 |
ROUND, 186 | SGN, 180 |
Rounding, 186 | SHOW utility, 34, 121 |
RPED utility, 38, 41 | SID utility, 122 |
RS232 port, 66, 120 | SIN, 180 |
RSET, 203, 220 | SIO, 66, 90, 120, 272 |
RSX files, 102 | Software for the Spectrum, 25 |
Running BASIC programs, 138 | running programs, 26 |
Running CP/M programs, 26 | SPACE$, 183 |
| SPC, 156 |
SAVE utility, 113 | Start-up discs, 27 |
Screen, 5 | Status line, 5, 7 |
colours, 7, 106 | STOP, 172 |
control codes, 31, 258 | STRING$, 183 |
Page mode, 71, 271 | Strings, 150, 182 |
size, 5 | case conversion, 184 |
setting screen size, 6, 121 | generating, 183 |
status line, 5, 7 | joining, 182 |
technical description, 270 | length of, 183 |
Screen control, 158 | searching, 184 |
Search path, 55, 116 | splitting, 183 |
STRIP$, 184 | WHILE...WEND, 171 |
STSERIAL utility, 71, 122 | wildcards, 15 |
SUB files, 10, 55 | WRITE #, 189 |
SUBMIT utility, 53, 124 | Writing programs, 165 |
Subroutines, 173, 176 | |
Substrings, 158 | XON protocol, 67, 71 |
Syntax, 2 | XOR, 181 |
SYSTEM, 129 | XREF utility, 127 |
System files, 50, 93, 114 | |
System prompt, 2, 10 | 24 x 80 screen, 6, 121, 271 |
| flipping between halves, 6 |
TAB, 156 | |
TAN, 180 | % character, 150 |
Text files | ! character, 150 |
creating, 38 | # character, 150 |
editing, 41, 98 | $ character, 132 |
listing, 47, 126 | ' character, 165 |
Text strings, 150 | * character, 15 |
TIMEOUT utility, 62, 68, 125 | ? character, 15 |
Truncation, 186 | |
TYPE command, 47, 126, 188 | |
Type conversion, 185 | |
| |
UPPER$,184 | |
USER command, 126 | |
User numbers, 48, 126 | |
User-defined functions, 177 | |
USING, 157 | |
Utilities, 1, 85, 87 | |
| |
VAL, 185 | |
Variables, 131, 182 | |
field variables, 202 | |
life of, 148 | |
string, 151 | |
type, 132, 150, 154 | |
Variable names, 132, 148 | |
suffices, 150 | |