Licence Agreements (Site) Index
Bold numbers refer to BASIC


ABS, 180 COM files, 10, 55
ADDKEY, 229 Combining files, 107
ADDREC, 220 Command lines, 2, 9
AND, 171, 181  editing, 40
Arithmetic, 134, 179Command name, 10
 accuracy, 154 Command tail, 11
Arrays, 151 Comments, 165
ASC, 185 Commercial software, 25
Assembler, 113 Communications, 69
ATN, 180  screen,71
AUTO, 139 Conditionals, 168
Constants, 131
 instructions, 130Control codes
 keywords, 130 Control codes
 leaving, 129  screen, 31, 158, 259
 starting, 129  printers, 161
Baud rate, 67, 71, 272 Conventions, 86,
BIOS  see also Introduction to Parts I and II
 jumpblocks, 280Copying discs, 34, 95
 messages, 279 Copying files, 36, 107
 routines, 282,315COS,180
BUFFERS, 216 CP/M Plus, 1
Bulletin boards, 69  cold/warm boot, 278
 error messages, 342
CALL, 242  field installable devices, 316
Case conversion, 184 memory organisation, 277
CDBL, 186  technical description, 268
Character Set, 73, 248 CREATE, 215
CHR$, 185 CRT, 90
CINT, 186 CSNG, 186
CLOSE, 190, 192, 226CVD, 206
Colours, 8, 106, 262, 270 CVI, 206
CVS, 206
DATA, 180 End of file, 192
Data files, 187 EOF, 192
 keyed access, 212ERA, 188
 number open simultaneously, 189ERASE command, 43, 101
 random access, 199 Erasing files, 43, 101
 records, 200 Errors, 12
 sequential files, 189Error messages, 342
Date stamping, 104 Escape sequences, 157
DATE utility, 89 EXP, 180
Debugger, 122 Expansion port, 70, 122
DEF FN, 177 Expansion tokens, 78, 79, 118, 257
DEF USR, 242 Exponents, 180
Default drive, 10, 56 Expressions, 133
DELKEY, 225, 230 FETCHREC, 229
DEVICE utility, 59, 89 FIDs, 316
DIM, 153  ground rules, 317, 323, 330, 337, 341
DIR command, 46, 92, 188 routines, 320-340
DIRSYS command, 46, 93  supervisor calls, 339
Disc directory, 46, 92 FIELD, 202, 217
DISCKIT utility, 34, 45, 94 Field installable devices, 316
Discs, 276 Field variables, 202
 copying discs, 34, 95 File sizes, 44
 free space, 34, 121 Filenames, 9
 organising, 48 FILES, 188
 preparing for use, 45, 95 Filetype, 9
 verifying, 96 FIND$, 188
DISPLAY, 188 FIX, 186
Drives FOR...NEXT, 167
 default drive, 10, 56 Form line, 2
 drive C, 72 Formatting discs, 45, 95
 drive names, 9 Free space, 34, 121
 technical description, 274, 330, 337Functions, 134, 177
DUMP utility, 97  external functions, 242
 trigonometric, 180
ED utility, 98
Editing programs, 140GENCOM utility, 102
 keystrokes, 142GET, 206, 223
Electronic mail, 69 GET utility, 81, 102
ELSE, 169 GOSUB, 174
END, 172 GOTO, 167
Handshaking, 62, 67, 71, 273  index file, 212
HEXCOM utility, 103  key sets, 234
HIMEM, 240  keys, 212
 locks, 213
IF...THEN, 168  opening, 217
Index files, 212  rank, 213, 220
Information  reading a record, 222
 entering information, 146 Keywords, 130, 264
 storage in records, 203, 220 KILL, 188
 storage on disc, 187
 storing information, 144 LANGUAGE utility, 73, 104
INITDIR utility, 104 Language variants, 73, 104, 248
INKEY$, 147 LEFT$, 183
INPUT, 146 LEN, 183
INPUT #, 190 LIB utility, 105
Input from a file, 81, 102 Line numbers, 139
Installing software, 29 LINK utility, 105
INSTR, 184 LIST, 139, 140
INT, 186 Listing a file, 47
Listing programs, 139
Jetsam Loading BASIC programs, 138
 see Keyed access files, 212 Loading CP/M Plus, 3
LOG, 180
K bytes, 21 LOG10, 180
Key definition file, 76, 77 Logarithms, 180
Keyboard, 4, 81 Logical devices, 57
 function keys, 257 Logical expressions, 170
 key numbers, 77 Loops, 166, 171
 language variants, 73 LOWER$, 184
 layout, 256 LPRINT, 157
 redefining, 75, 117 LPT, 59, 90, 272
Keyed access files, 212 LSET, 203, 220
 adding keys, 220, 229 LST, 89
 adding new records, 218
 allocating memory, 216 MAC utility, 106
 changing keys, 230 Machine code programs, 238, 240
 changing records, 231  allocating memory, 240
 closing, 226  calling, 242
 creating, 215  loading, 241
 current position, 213 MAX, 182
 data files, 212 MEMORY, 240
 deleting a record, 224 Memory disc, 22, 72
Quote marks, 150
MID$, 182, 183, 203, 220 Printers
MIN, 182  AUTO-LF selection, 63
MKD$, 204  disabling timeout, 61, 68, 125
MKI$, 204  double line spacing problem, 62
MKS$, 204  initialising a printer, 60, 119
MOD, 179  parallel printers, 58
Modems, 69  protocol, 62, 67
 serial printers, 66
NAME...AS, 188 PROFILE.SUB, 23, 28, 54
NOT, 171, 181 Programs
Numbers, 149  continuing after stopping, 172
 data base programs, 214
ON GOSUB, 175  deleting program lines, 141
ON GOTO, 170  designing, 143, 176
OPEN, 189, 190, 201, 205, 217 editing, 140
Operators, 133, 179  first steps, 137
 relational, 170,181 loading from disc, 138
OR, 171, 181  loops, 166
Output  machine code programs, 238, 240
  controlling the output device,157 renumbering, 141
  to a file, 82, 110  running, 138
  to the printer,157 stopping, 172
  to the screen,157  storing on disc, 138
 structure, 165, 172
Page mode, 71, 271  writing a data base program, 214
PALETTE utility, 8, 106 Protecting files, 49, 114
Passwords, 51, 114 PUT, 204, 231
PATCH utility, 107 PUT utility, 82, 110
Patches, 238, 239
Physical devices, 57
PIP utility, 36, 107
POKE, 239 RAM disc, 22, 72
PRINT #, 189 Random access files, 199
Print format, 156   changing, 207
Print functions, 156  closing, 207
PRINT USING, 157   creating, 201
Print zones, 155   opening, 201
Printer control, 161  reading, 205
Printer port, 58 Random numbers, 181
Rank, 213, 220 SEEKKEY, 222
Records, 200SEEKPREV, 234
 defining, 202, 217SEEKSET, 234
 putting information in, 203, 220 Sequential files
 reading, 206  changing, 192
 storing numbers in, 203  closing, 190, 192
 writing to disc, 204, 220  creating, 189
Record number, 200  opening, 189
REL files, 105  reading, 190
Relational operators, 181  writing, 189
REM, 165 SERIAL, 70, 90
RENAME command, 52, 112, 188SERIAL.FID, 70
Renaming files, 52, 112, 188SET utility, 49, 114
RENUM, 141 SET24X80 utility, 6, 121
RESET, 188 SETDEF utility, 55, 116
RESET.KEY, 76 SETKEYS utility, 75, 117
RIGHT$, 183 SETLST utility, 60, 119
RMAC utility, 113 SETSIO utility, 67, 120
ROUND, 186 SGN, 180
Rounding, 186 SHOW utility, 34, 121
RPED utility, 38, 41 SID utility, 122
RS232 port, 66, 120 SIN, 180
RSET, 203, 220 SIO, 66, 90, 120, 272
RSX files, 102 Software for the Spectrum, 25
Running BASIC programs, 138  running programs, 26
Running CP/M programs, 26 SPACE$, 183
SPC, 156
SAVE utility, 113 Start-up discs, 27
Screen, 5 Status line, 5, 7
 colours, 7, 106 STOP, 172
 control codes, 31, 258 STRING$, 183
 Page mode, 71, 271 Strings, 150, 182
 size, 5  case conversion, 184
 setting screen size, 6, 121  generating, 183
 status line, 5, 7  joining, 182
 technical description, 270  length of, 183
Screen control, 158  searching, 184
Search path, 55, 116  splitting, 183
STRIP$, 184 WHILE...WEND, 171
STSERIAL utility, 71, 122 wildcards, 15
SUB files, 10, 55 WRITE #, 189
SUBMIT utility, 53, 124 Writing programs, 165
Subroutines, 173, 176
Substrings, 158 XON protocol, 67, 71
Syntax, 2 XOR, 181
SYSTEM, 129 XREF utility, 127
System files, 50, 93, 114
System prompt, 2, 10 24 x 80 screen, 6, 121, 271
 flipping between halves, 6
TAB, 156
TAN, 180 % character, 150
Text files ! character, 150
 creating, 38 # character, 150
 editing, 41, 98 $ character, 132
 listing, 47, 126 ' character, 165
Text strings, 150 * character, 15
TIMEOUT utility, 62, 68, 125 ? character, 15
Truncation, 186
TYPE command, 47, 126, 188
Type conversion, 185
USER command, 126
User numbers, 48, 126
User-defined functions, 177
USING, 157
Utilities, 1, 85, 87
VAL, 185
Variables, 131, 182
 field variables, 202
 life of, 148
 string, 151
 type, 132, 150, 154
Variable names, 132, 148
 suffices, 150

Bold numbers refer to BASIC
Licence Agreements (Site) Index