Part 11 Random Numbers Subjects covered... RANDOMIZE RND This section deals with the keywords RND and RANDOMIZE. In some ways RND is like a function - it does calculations and produces a result. It is unusual in that it does not need an argument. Each time you use it, its result is a new random number between 0 and 1. (Sometimes it can take the value 0, but never 1.) Try... 10 PRINT RND 20 GO TO 10 see how the answer varies. Can you detect any pattern? You shouldn't be able to - 'random' means that there is no pattern. Actually, RND is not truly random, because it follows a fixed sequence of 65536 numbers. However, these are so thoroughly jumbled up that there are at least no obvious patterns, and we say that RND is pseudo-random. RND gives a random number between 0 and 1, but you can easily get random numbers in other ranges. For instance, '5*RND' is between 0 and 5, and '1.3+0.7*RND' is between 1.3 and 2. To get whole numbers, uses INT (remembering that INT always rounds down) as in '1+INT(RND*6)', which we shall use in a program to simulate dice. 'RND*6' is in the range 0 to 6, but since it never actually reaches 6, 'INT(RND*6)' is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. Here is the program... 10 REM dice throwing program 20 CLS 30 FOR n=1 TO 2 40 PRINT 1+ INT ( RND *6);" "; 50 NEXT n 60 INPUT a$: GO TO 20 Press ENTER each time you wish to 'throw' the dice. The RANDOMIZE statement may be used to make RND start off at a definite place in its sequence of numbers, as you can see with this program... 10 RANDOMIZE 1 20 FOR n=1 TO 5: PRINT RND ,: NEXT n 30 PRINT: GO TO 10 After each execution of 'RANDOMIZE 1', the RND sequence starts off again with 0.0022735596. You can use other numbers between 1 and 65535 in the RANDOMIZE statement to start the RND sequence off at different places. If you had a program with RND in it and it also had some mistakes that you had not found, then it would help to use RANDOMIZE like this so that the program behaved the same way each time you ran it. RANDOMIZE used on its own (or RANDOMIZE 0) have a different effect - they really do randomise RND - you can see this in the next program... 10 RANDOMIZE 20 PRINT RND : GO TO 10 The sequence you get here is not very random, because RANDOMIZE uses the time since the +3 was switched on. As this has gone up by the same amount each time that RANDOMIZE is executed, the next RND does more or less the same. You would get better 'randomness' by replacing 'GO TO 10' by 'GO TO 20'. Here is a program to toss coins and count the numbers of heads and tails... 10 LET heads=0: LET tails=0 20 LET coin= INT ( RND *2) 30 IF coin=0 THEN LET heads=heads+1 40 IF coin=1 THEN LET tails=tails+1 50 PRINT heads;",";tails, 60 IF tails <> 0 THEN PRINT heads/tails; 70 PRINT: GO TO 20 The ratio of heads to tails should become approximately 1 if you go on long enough, because in the long run you expect approximately equal numbers of heads and tails. Exercise... 1. Choose a number between 1 and 872 and type... RANDOMIZE your number Note that the next value of RND will be... (75*(your number+1)-1)/65536 Try this out for yourself.