Sinclair Computers Part 2
Last month we considered some of
the ic's used in microcomputers and ended with a block diagram of
the simplest computer possible. It had just a Central Process-ing
Unit (CPU - the microprocessor), a Read Only Memory (ROM) that
contained the operating instruc-tions, a Random Access Memory
(RAM) for storing the program and data and an Uncommitted Logic
Array (ULA) for doing all the hardware jobs, including
interfac-ing with the TV modulator and the tape input/output
ports. Fig.1 last month was in fact a block diagram of the
Sinclair ZXSI microcomputer which is probably the simplest
possible home computer design. Well now exam-ine this model as an
introduction to computer servicing.
In producing such a simple computer Sinclair Research introduced
several features which make both the circuitry and operation
rather different from that of the more usual type of
microcomputer. For instance, where have all the other chips one
might expect to find gone? The ones that generate the TV display
signals and the decoder chips that decide whether its the ROM or
RAM you want? Or the special that looks after the keyboard? They
all seemed to be essential in the Amstrad machine described in
magazine last year. In the ZX81 these jobs are all shared
between the CPU and the specialised circuitry in he ULA, the
timing and decision making being carried out by the former.
There's a penalty to be paid for doing things in this simplified
way however: the time the CPU has available for processing the
program is severely limited. In fact whenever there's a display
present the CPU is free only for the period of the field flyback
- for the rest of the time it's producing the line sync and
display details!
Sinclair ZX81
So when you study the ZX81's circuit details (Fig. 1) remember
that this is a very specialised machine with a component count
unlike most other microcomputers, though it does have a standard
CPU and a system that functions in the same way despite looking
so different.
Further examination of Fig.1 will help to explain some of the
differences and clear up many of the problems described above.
You'll see that the ULA chip is con-nected to the TV and tape
circuits directly at pins 16 and 20. It can decode the address
lines and then enable either the RAM or the ROM via one of the
Chip Select (CS) limes at pins 12 and 13. It also assists the CPU
in reading the keyboard. via the KBD0-KBD4 lines. These link the
ULA to the keyboard via a five-pin socket (KB1) that's not shown
in the diagram. This PCB mounted socket connects the keyboard
"tails" to these lines while an eight -pin socket (KB2), also not
shown, connects the other keyboard tails to diodes D1-8. The ULA
also produces the 3-25MHz clock signal from the 6-5MHz ceramic
filter (X1) connected to pin 35.
The machine has only 1Kbyte of RAM fitted to the board.
Provision is made for this to consist of either one 4118 memory
chip or two 2114 chips. There's also provi-sion for fitting a
2Kbyte RAM for the export model. The usual memory extension
consists of a 16K unit which plugs into the edge connector at the
back of the machine. Fitting an extension memory disables the
internal 1K memory however - the following test procedure assumes
that only the internal memory is in use.
The data lines to the ROM and RAM and some of the ROM address
lines incorporate buffer resistors. These enable the lines to be
used by more than one device without conflict. They are very
useful in a fault situation for determining which device is still
functioning satisfac-torily. Lines downstream of these resistors
are given an identifying accent, eg. A1' - The edge connector
also has that identifications on some of the contacts to show
which side of the resistors link up with them.
There have been at least three versions of the PCB. Fig.1
represents the issue one board but I've experienced no difficulty
in identifying the circuitry on later boards. They vary a little
in layout but the component numbers on the boards seem to be the
same. One of the only differences on the issue three board is the
use of individual resistors in place of packs RP1 and RP3 -
R35-42 and R43-47 respectively. There's a photograph of an early
version of the issue one board, without component numbers, on
page 162 of the ZX81 BASIC Programming Book that was supplied
with every machine. This photograph shows all the ic's mounted in
sockets, which certainly isn't the case with later boards. Note
also that the ULA is called the 'Sinclair Computer Logic' which
is a less standard but perhaps more sensible name. The power
supply unit is separate from the computer and connects to it via
a 3.5mm jack plug. Its not shown in Fig.1 but is a simple d.c.
unit that gives very little trouble - except for the moulded
jack. If you have one that's been changed, make sure that the tip
is positive.
When the computer is first switched on the display should
consist of a white-on-black K (inverse K) cursor at the bottom
left of the screen. -If it doesn't, carry out the following
simple checks.
Remove any extension memory plugged into the rear connector.
Check the power supply - the plug should provide an Open-Circuit
voltage of about 14V, tip positive. If the plug has been changed
for a solder-on type it's easy to check the on-load voltage which
should be about 11V. This will show whether an overload or
open-circuit condition is present in the machine. In the latter
case suspect that the plug has at some time been connected with
reversed polarity- this often blows the 5V regulator and save the
rest of the circuitry.
Check the tuning. The modulator is usually set to channel 36
quite accurately, but sweep the band in case the tuning has moved
or been altered. If there's no output signal from the ULA the
modulator's output will consist of carrier only, devoid of even
sync signals. In this case the indication on the TV screen will
be negligible.

fig.1 (thumbnail) Clickfor full
Dismantling the
If you haven't found the fault by now you have to make internal
tests. This means dismantling the unit. First remove the four
screws from the base. Three of these should be hidden under
rubber feet - if these are still there (the two at the front and
the one at back left). Lift off the base and remove the two
screws securing the PCB. If you turn the board over towards the
front the keyboard tails can be removed from the two sockets.
Treat these plastic strips with the utmost care - they are very
easily damaged (more about this later).
With the board completely removed the TV and power supply leads
can be reconnected. Initialisation of the computer to give the
inverse K cursor display occurs without the keyboard being
connected, so we can leave it disconnected until the fault has
been Found.
Fault finding
Table 1 provides a quick fault-finding sequence: the numbers
refer to the following paragraphs which give details of the
procedure. Remember that there can often be more than one fault
present, so repeat the sequence if necessary.

(1) The power supply should
provide about 11V at 400mA on load. Less than 7V will be
insufficient for the regulator to function correctly. An
excessive current reading in-dicates a fault on the board.
(2) The regulator should deliver 5V to each of the i.c's on the
board. Its heatsink normally runs hot to the touch, but not
unbearably so.
(3) The signal from pin 16 of the ULA chip to the modulator
should give a PHT indication on the logic probe (see Table 2). An
oscilloscope should display a signal of 2V peak amplitude from
the peak to the bottom of the sync pulses. Inverse K will produce
a very faint signal near the end of the field trace.
(4) If the modulation signal is present but the TV output is
absent check the modulators supply voltage and the tuning
adjustment screw - this should be approximately 3mm down inside
the former.
(5) If the cursor is present, connect one of the contacts of the
small keyboard socket KB1 to a contact on the large socket KB2.
Check whether a character or keyword appears on screen. Don't
worry about shorting more than one connector in either of the
sockets as this wont cause any damage to the computer - but it
won't product a display either as the software checks that only
one key (apart from the shift key) is being pressed before it
produces a screen display.
(6) Two faults that can affect the keyboard circuit are shorts
between the lines or open-circuit lines or diodes. They can be
identified by their effect on the system. Open-circuits affect
only the keys they connect (see Fig. I). A short effectively
holds one key on, disabling the whole keyboard. Faults can occur
anywhere in the circuit, from the address bus side to the diodes
to the ULA chip's KBD pins. Check for shorts where the PCB tracks
run obliquely under socket KB1. The resistance between these KBD
tracks should be a few thousand ohms.
(7) The keyboard connection tails are very vulnerable, so to
avoid unnecessary work make a thorough check that the computer is
working satisfactorily before reconnecting the keyboard. Connect
each contact on the small five-pin socket KB1 to at least two
contacts on eight-pin socket KB2, checking the screen entries.
Finally make sure that the tails are not splitting across (see
following paragraph) and that the metallised contact at the ends
are in good condition. Then reconnect the keyboard by turning the
case face down, front towards you, with the PCB laid component
side up on the case so that the edge connector is at the front
left: loop the tails over and push them carefully into the
sockets, with a slight rocking movement. Don't push too hard or
the plastic will buckle and split. When both tails have been
fitted turn the PCB over on its screw pillars and secure with two
short screws.
(8) Often one bank or row of the keyboard fails to operate. This
is usually due to cracks across the plastic tails severing one or
more of the tracks. If the crack is near the end of he tail a
clean square cut can sometimes be made. removing the fault. If
not too short the tail can then be refitted. As mentioned above
the end contacts of the tails should be checked to make sure that
there's a good contact for the connectors. If the ends look a
little dirty don't be tempted to apply a liquid solvent cleaner -
some of these attack the plastic (they don't soften, it, they
completely disintegrate it!).
If a satisfactory repair proves to be impossible a new keyboard
will have to be fitted. These are readily obtainable and are easy
to fit to the case with the self-adhesive backing.
(9) Here's a simple ROM check to establish that all the bytes of
memory are being read correctly. Although its unlikely that a ROM
fault could continue to be present at this point in the test
sequence without being detected the check will set your mind at
rest. Enter and run the program below it takes just over a minute
to run. Check that the answer printed out is 835106. If the
answer is 854885 the ROM is an early version. To prove this
PRINT SQR .25 (square root of a quarter). An answer of 1.359
instead of .5 proves that the ROM is an early type which has a
few faults. Any other answer to the program indicates a ROM
error. Here's the program:
20 LET L = 0
30 FOR N = 0 TO 8191
40 LET L = L + PEEK N
(10) At this stage it remains only
to check the tape save/load operation and box up the computer.
Put in a short program - the one above will do - and save it on
tape. Switch off the machine to clear it, then restart and load
the program. These operations are both described in Chapter 16 of
the BASIC Programming Book supplied with the ZX81.
If the tape tests o.k. the case can be assembled, the four
screws fitted and the rubber feet restuck in their sockets.
(11) This is the stage you'll probably end up at if the computer
has suffered major damage. You've proved that the fault lies in
one or more of the chips or on the PCB.
First check whether the computer has been repaired previously.
If you find evidence of modifications or soldering, -check the
board carefully for solder splashes, shorted tracks etc. Where
Sinclair Research fitted ic. sockets originally I've found that
they fitted them to all the ic's. So if you find a board that has
sockets for some of the ic's treat it with suspicion - it's
probably been modified.
I don't intend to tell you how to extract a suspect i.e. but let
me tell you one of the pitfalls of the method I use in order to
illustrate an elusive fault condition. I use a sucker on each pin
of the ic. and having removed most of the solder finally free
each pin with a pair of pliers and if necessary the use of
solderwick. This often leaves the odd pin still slightly secured
in the hole: as the ic. is carefully removed it's important to
free any such pins before they lift and break the print. It's
very easy to end up with a print crack on the top of the board
and if undetected this crack will be covered when the socket is
fitted. So if you have a particularly difficult fault, make sure
that this hasn't happened. Check the signals at the ic. pins and
at the line end (the next component) to ensure track
Checking the
Next. ic. checks. Table 2 lists the conditions at each pin of
the ic's. The readings were taken using the Tandy Micronta logic
probe featured in last November's issue of Television. The
computer was at the inverse K cursor stage and the supply for the
probe was taken from the 5V rail. I always fit a short wire with
a small loop to the 5V plated-through hole near the
Pin |
(ULA) |
(ROM) |
(CPU) |
IC4 a/b
(RAM) |
1 |
P |
P |
P |
P |
2 |
P |
P |
P |
P |
3 |
P |
P |
PL |
P |
4 |
P |
P |
P |
P |
5 |
P |
P |
P |
P |
6 |
P |
P |
P |
P |
7 |
PH |
P |
P |
P |
8 |
PH |
P |
P |
P |
9 |
P |
P |
P |
L |
10 |
P |
P |
P |
P |
11 |
P |
P |
H |
P |
12 |
P |
L |
P |
P |
13 |
P |
P |
P |
P |
14 |
P |
P |
P |
P |
15 |
PH |
P |
P |
P |
16 |
PH |
P |
P |
P |
17 |
P |
P |
PH |
P |
18 |
P |
P |
P |
H |
19 |
P |
P |
P |
20 |
L |
P |
PH |
21 |
P |
P |
P |
22 |
OC |
P |
PH |
23 |
P |
P |
H |
24 |
P |
H |
PH |
25 |
H |
H |
26 |
P |
H |
27 |
H |
P |
28 |
P |
P |
29 |
H |
L |
30 |
P |
P |
31 |
H |
P |
32 |
P |
P |
33 |
H |
P |
34 |
L |
P |
35 |
H |
P |
36 |
P |
P |
37 |
P |
P |
38 |
P |
P |
39 |
P |
P |
40 |
H |
P |
P = pulse high and low LEDs
PH = pulse and high LEDs lit.
PL = pulse and low LEDs lit.
H = high LED lit.
L = low LED lit
OC = no LED lit (open circuit)
To simplify checking, the pins are
listed In numerical order in Table 2 though quick checks at
selected pins might speed up the testing. For example I always
make an initial check on the 5V and chassis pins of all the ics,
then the reset line and memory request pins of the CPU and the
cell select and read pins of the ROM and RAM chips. But this is
only my own view of what are the more important checks or those
most likely to lead to a fault indication. All the pin signals
are listed, even those directly connected to the pins of other
ic's. as this makes for easier checking. As mentioned earlier
when describing the circuit some data and address lines
incorporate buffer resistors between the ics. These Can be very
useful as failure of an ic. at one end of a resistor wont affect
the ic's at the other end, so you can establish with certainty
which ic is faulty.
It's often easy to locate a fault or anomaly in the signals on
the lines but very difficult to establish the reason. The
unnecessary removal of a 40-pin ic is a non-profitable pastime to
be avoided if possible. Other approaches can be adopted. One that
has been with us since the earliest days of printed circuits is
to cut the track. This is useful for tracing shorts, the computer
equivalent of which is the loss of a logic signal. When deciding
where to make the cut remember what was previously said about
track cracks under sockets and try to avoid making any cut that
would subsequently be covered by a socket. Another method of
checking a suspect ic. is to mount a good one on top piggy-back
fashion: the legs should be sprung in and care taken to ensure
that here's contact at all the pins of the suspect ic. This
doesn't always work but it's worth a try when you have two or
three suspect soldered-in ic's. The method complements track
cutting as it's particularly effective with open-circuit
One last tip. When you suspect that ULA chip and don't have a
Spare - I usually suspect the item for which I don't have a
replacement - remember that the TV screen will be bright if the
ULA is all right, even if all the other chips are defective. So a
bright screen without a cursor usually means that you should look
for the fault.
This concludes the notes on
servicing the ZX81. Next month we'll start on the Spectrum and