MYTH INFO FILE -------------- Myth is a multi-level load game converted to run on the TS2068 with JLO disk v2.63+. A level loader trap has been added (to load levels from disk rather than tape), a joystick trap has been added so that you can use either of the TS2068's joysticks, and the AY chip sound effects have been modified for the 2068. The game data is contained in the seven snapshots M1.SNA to M7S.SNA. M7S.SNA is a state save of Myth. To get this game on your TS2068, you need to run sna2jlo which can be found using Hynek's search engine at (Do a search for nvg*2068). * TRANSFERRING MYTH TO JLO DISK Myth takes up 48 cylinders on disk; the JLO disk you want to save this game on must have at least this much space available. 1. Format a fresh MSDOS disk compatible with your TS2068's disk drive. I use a 5.25" DSDD floppy, so I would format the disk with format b:/4. 2. Copy all the .sna files to the disk with something like copy m*.sna b: 3. Take the disk to your TS2068 and load up sna2jlo with RUN /"$SNA2JLO"CODE ? 4. Format a new JLO disk (this will not be the disk the game is saved on; this will be a garbage disk to hold temp files). Using sna2jlo, transfer the files M1.SNA, M2.SNA, M3.SNA, M4.SNA, M5.SNA and M6.SNA to the jlo disk. 5. Run the newly transferred snapshots M1 to M6. Each snap contains level data and a save line that, after pressing enter, will cause all the level data to be saved on the Myth disk. 6. Using sna2jlo again, transfer M7S.SNA from the MSDOS disk to your Myth disk using something like GO SUB /7,"%myth" (You must use this name unless you feel like editing the BASIC loader program). If all went well, a CAT of your disk should reveal these files: JLO SAFE V2.65 (C)1991, J. Oliger DISK NAME: MYTH FORMATTED @40 TRACKS, 2 SIDE(S) CAPACITY: 79 CYLS/395K BYTES FREE: 31 CYLS/155K BYTES FILENAME TYPE CYLS SIZE START -------------------------------- MYTH BASIC 1 247 1 $myth BYTES 1 558 30000 ---mythllt BYTES 1 3028 30558 myth1.dat BYTES 7 33792 30000 myth2.dat BYTES 7 33792 30000 myth3.dat BYTES 7 33792 30000 myth4.dat BYTES 7 33792 30000 myth5.dat BYTES 7 33792 30000 %myth STATE 10 49664 TOTAL FILES: 15 To run the game, just LOAD /"MYTH" or load in the file selector with LOAD and enter and choose "MYTH" from the menu. Naming convention: Files beginning with "$" are m/c programs loaded into the JLO shadow RAM with the RUN / command. Files beginning with "%" are state saves with a level loader trap buried inside. The file "---mythllt" contains the source code of $myth and details of the modifications made to Myth. It is a Zeus Assembler file and must be loaded into Zeus to be viewed. (Search for zeus4jlo on Hynek's search engine). - Alvin Albrecht ( 05/25/96 This game was constructed from the level loader trap version by Russell Marks. I have corrected an apparent bug (a minor irritation) - see "---mythllt" for details. Here is what Russell had to say: > Myth > ---- > This needs the LEVEL_LOADER thingy in xzx or xz80. It should also work > with Z80 v3 or better. (If you're using xz80, be sure to start with > 'xz80 -multiload on' or set the resource some other way.) > Myth is a multi-load platform game. > Thanks to Ju Yen Tan ( for sending me the > appropriate bits of Myth. Twice. :-) > patch.z is the source to the code I inserted to load the levels. > Have fun, > - Russell Marks (, but not for long now...). > [No tape inlay transcription this time, as I haven't got it :-)]