Analyzed Spectrum file formats

Here you find my results in analyzing the different Spectrum file formats, I used for the programs of ZX-Modules. Well, it's hard to find truth informations about all these file formats. I hope, this page will help programmers who want to support these file formats in their programs. Plese apologize that some informations are missing. Here you find what I eplored or found on other homepages, to the best of my knowledge.

Snapshot formats

File format: Meaning: supported by ZX-Modules programs?
ACH format Archimedes snapshot format read
SEM format SpecEmu (German) snapshot with optional POKEs read
SIT format Sinclar snapshot format read
SLT format Super Level loader Snapshot (Z80 with additional level data) read
SNA format Mirage Microdrive Snapshot format (48k and 128k) read
SNP format   read
SNX format Extended version of SNA, used by Specci read
SP format Spanish snapshot format, by Pedro Gimeno read
SZX format Spectaculator snapshot format read
PRG format SpecEm snapshot format read
RAW format Raw memory dump from a real Spectrum; just the 48k of RAM and
a CODE header first
Z80 (version 1.45) Gerton Lunter's snapshot format for emulator Z80 (and many others) read
Z80 (version 2.01) Gerton Lunter's snapshot format for emulator Z80 (and many others) read
Z80 (version 3.50) Gerton Lunter's snapshot format for emulator Z80 (and many others) read
ZX format KGB snapshot format read
ZXS format ZX32 snapshot format  
ZX82 format Spectaculator 97 snapshot format  


Tape and other formats

File format: Meaning: supported by ZX-modules
AZX format Audio Spectrum format  
DCK format Warajevo Memory Expansion image  
DSK format Disk image format read and write
FDI format UKV Spectrum debugger format  
HDF format Disk image format by Ramsoft  
HOB format Hobeta image format  
IMG format Disciple / Plus D disk image format  
ITM and PAN formats Intermega Tape format  
MDR format Microdrive format read
MGT format Disciple / Plus D disk image format  
NET format Warajevo Interface 1 Network format  
PAL format Warajevo Palette format  
POK format POKE trainer format by Martijn van der Heide read
RZX format Tape format by Ramsoft  
SCL format Disk image format  
SCR format Spectrum screen format (6912 bytes) read and write
SZX format Spectaculator snapshot format read
TAP / BLK format Sinclair Tape format read and write 
TAP format Warajevo Tape format read
TRD format TR-DOS disk image by Ramsoft  
TZX format Super Tape format by Tomaz Kac read and write
VOC format Audio format