# Picotool Property Defines # All INHERITED, so can be defined globally, or per target # # The picotool functions all set the specified target properties, # and therefore if the property should be set for multiple targets # then it can be set manually with `set_property` or other CMake # functions to set properties for a given scope. define_property(TARGET PROPERTY PICOTOOL_OTP_FILE INHERITED BRIEF_DOCS "OTP File to write" FULL_DOCS "OTP File to write" ) define_property(TARGET PROPERTY PICOTOOL_SIGN_OUTPUT INHERITED BRIEF_DOCS "Sign output" FULL_DOCS "Sign output" ) define_property(TARGET PROPERTY PICOTOOL_SIGFILE INHERITED BRIEF_DOCS "Private key for signing" FULL_DOCS "Private key for signing" ) define_property(TARGET PROPERTY PICOTOOL_HASH_OUTPUT INHERITED BRIEF_DOCS "Hash output" FULL_DOCS "Hash output" ) define_property(TARGET PROPERTY PICOTOOL_EMBED_PT INHERITED BRIEF_DOCS "Partition table to embed in output" FULL_DOCS "Partition table to embed in output" ) define_property(TARGET PROPERTY PICOTOOL_AESFILE INHERITED BRIEF_DOCS "AES key for encrypting" FULL_DOCS "AES key for encrypting" ) define_property(TARGET PROPERTY PICOTOOL_ENC_SIGFILE INHERITED BRIEF_DOCS "Private key for signing encrypted binaries" FULL_DOCS "Private key for signing encrypted binaries" ) define_property(TARGET PROPERTY PICOTOOL_UF2_PACKAGE_ADDR INHERITED BRIEF_DOCS "Address to package UF2 at" FULL_DOCS "Address to package UF2 at" ) define_property(TARGET PROPERTY PICOTOOL_UF2_FAMILY INHERITED BRIEF_DOCS "UF2 family to use" FULL_DOCS "UF2 family to use" ) define_property(TARGET PROPERTY PICOTOOL_EXTRA_PROCESS_ARGS INHERITED BRIEF_DOCS "Extra arguments to pass to processing" FULL_DOCS "Extra arguments to pass to processing" ) define_property(TARGET PROPERTY PICOTOOL_EXTRA_UF2_ARGS INHERITED BRIEF_DOCS "Extra arguments to pass to uf2 conversion" FULL_DOCS "Extra arguments to pass to uf2 conversion" ) # Check pioasm is installed, or build it if not installed function(pico_init_pioasm) # Assemble the version string from components instead of using PICO_SDK_VERSION_STRING, because the version string # potentially has a PRE_RELEASE_ID suffix, which will trip up the find_package call. set(pioasm_VERSION_REQUIRED "${PICO_SDK_VERSION_MAJOR}.${PICO_SDK_VERSION_MINOR}.${PICO_SDK_VERSION_REVISION}") if (NOT TARGET pioasm AND NOT DEFINED pioasm_FOUND) set(pioasm_INSTALL_DIR ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/pioasm-install) if (NOT pioasm_DIR AND EXISTS ${pioasm_INSTALL_DIR}/pioasm) set(pioasm_DIR ${pioasm_INSTALL_DIR}/pioasm) endif() # Find package - will find installed pioasm, either at pioasm_DIR or system find_package(pioasm ${pioasm_VERSION_REQUIRED} QUIET CONFIG NO_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH) if (NOT pioasm_FOUND) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} ${PICO_SDK_PATH}/tools) # todo CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION_LIST_DIR ... what version? find_package(pioasm MODULE REQUIRED) endif() endif() if (TARGET pioasm) set(pioasm_FOUND 1 PARENT_SCOPE) else() message("No pioasm found") endif() endfunction() # Check picotool is installed, or download and build it if not installed function(pico_init_picotool) set(picotool_VERSION_REQUIRED 2.0.0) if (NOT TARGET picotool AND NOT DEFINED picotool_FOUND) # Build path of local install dir if (DEFINED ENV{PICOTOOL_FETCH_FROM_GIT_PATH} AND (NOT PICOTOOL_FETCH_FROM_GIT_PATH)) set(PICOTOOL_FETCH_FROM_GIT_PATH $ENV{PICOTOOL_FETCH_FROM_GIT_PATH}) message("Using PICOTOOL_FETCH_FROM_GIT_PATH from environment ('${PICOTOOL_FETCH_FROM_GIT_PATH}')") endif () include(FetchContent) if (PICOTOOL_FETCH_FROM_GIT_PATH) get_filename_component(picotool_INSTALL_DIR "${PICOTOOL_FETCH_FROM_GIT_PATH}" ABSOLUTE) else() set(picotool_INSTALL_DIR ${FETCHCONTENT_BASE_DIR}) endif () if (NOT PICOTOOL_FORCE_FETCH_FROM_GIT AND NOT ENV{PICOTOOL_FORCE_FETCH_FROM_GIT}) if (NOT picotool_DIR AND EXISTS ${picotool_INSTALL_DIR}/picotool) set(picotool_DIR ${picotool_INSTALL_DIR}/picotool) endif() # Find package - will find installed picotool, either at picotool_DIR or system find_package(picotool ${picotool_VERSION_REQUIRED} QUIET CONFIG NO_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH) if (NOT picotool_FOUND AND picotool_CONSIDERED_VERSIONS) message(FATAL_ERROR "Incompatible picotool installation found: " "Requires version ${picotool_VERSION_REQUIRED}, " "you have version ${picotool_CONSIDERED_VERSIONS}\n" "Update your installation, or set PICOTOOL_FORCE_FETCH_FROM_GIT " "to download and build the correct version" ) endif() else() message("Forcing fetch of picotool from git") endif() if (NOT picotool_FOUND) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} ${PICO_SDK_PATH}/tools) find_package(picotool MODULE) endif() endif() if (TARGET picotool) set(picotool_FOUND 1 PARENT_SCOPE) else() message("No picotool found") endif() endfunction() # Generate pio header and include it in the build # PICO_CMAKE_CONFIG: PICO_DEFAULT_PIOASM_OUTPUT_FORMAT, Default output format used by pioasm when using pico_generate_pio_header, type=string, default=c-sdk, group=build function(pico_generate_pio_header TARGET PIO) pico_init_pioasm() cmake_parse_arguments(pico_generate_pio_header "" "OUTPUT_FORMAT;OUTPUT_DIR" "" ${ARGN} ) if (pico_generate_pio_header_OUTPUT_FORMAT) set(OUTPUT_FORMAT "${pico_generate_pio_header_OUTPUT_FORMAT}") elseif(DEFINED PICO_DEFAULT_PIOASM_OUTPUT_FORMAT) set(OUTPUT_FORMAT "${PICO_DEFAULT_PIOASM_OUTPUT_FORMAT}") else() set(OUTPUT_FORMAT "c-sdk") endif() if (pico_generate_pio_header_OUTPUT_DIR) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${pico_generate_pio_header_OUTPUT_DIR}) get_filename_component(HEADER_DIR ${pico_generate_pio_header_OUTPUT_DIR} ABSOLUTE) else() set(HEADER_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}") endif() get_filename_component(PIO_NAME ${PIO} NAME) set(HEADER "${HEADER_DIR}/${PIO_NAME}.h") #message("Will generate ${HEADER}") get_filename_component(HEADER_GEN_TARGET ${PIO} NAME_WE) set(HEADER_GEN_TARGET "${TARGET}_${HEADER_GEN_TARGET}_pio_h") add_custom_target(${HEADER_GEN_TARGET} DEPENDS ${HEADER}) if (PICO_PIO_VERSION) set(VERSION_STRING "${PICO_PIO_VERSION}") else() set(VERSION_STRING "0") endif() add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${HEADER} DEPENDS ${PIO} COMMAND pioasm -o ${OUTPUT_FORMAT} -v ${VERSION_STRING} ${PIO} ${HEADER} VERBATIM) add_dependencies(${TARGET} ${HEADER_GEN_TARGET}) get_target_property(target_type ${TARGET} TYPE) if ("INTERFACE_LIBRARY" STREQUAL "${target_type}") target_include_directories(${TARGET} INTERFACE ${HEADER_DIR}) else() target_include_directories(${TARGET} PUBLIC ${HEADER_DIR}) endif() endfunction() # pico_package_uf2_output(TARGET PACKADDR) # Package a UF2 output to be written to the PACKADDR address. This can be # used with a no_flash binary to write the UF2 to flash when dragging & # dropping, and it will be copied to SRAM by the bootrom before execution. # This sets PICOTOOL_UF2_PACKAGE_ADDR to PACKADDR. function(pico_package_uf2_output TARGET PACKADDR) set_target_properties(${TARGET} PROPERTIES PICOTOOL_UF2_PACKAGE_ADDR ${PACKADDR} ) endfunction() # pico_set_otp_key_output_file(TARGET OTPFILE) # Output the public key hash and other necessary rows to an otp JSON file. # This sets PICOTOOL_OTP_FILE to OTPFILE. function(pico_set_otp_key_output_file TARGET OTPFILE) set_target_properties(${TARGET} PROPERTIES PICOTOOL_OTP_FILE ${OTPFILE} ) endfunction() # pico_load_map_clear_sram(TARGET) # Adds an entry to the load map to instruct the bootrom to clear all of SRAM # before loading the binary. This appends the `--clear` argument # to PICOTOOL_EXTRA_PROCESS_ARGS. function(pico_load_map_clear_sram TARGET) # get and set, to inherit list get_target_property(extra_args ${TARGET} PICOTOOL_EXTRA_PROCESS_ARGS) if (extra_args) set_target_properties(${TARGET} PROPERTIES PICOTOOL_EXTRA_PROCESS_ARGS ${extra_args}) endif() # append --clear to list set_property(TARGET ${TARGET} APPEND PROPERTY PICOTOOL_EXTRA_PROCESS_ARGS "--clear" ) endfunction() # pico_set_binary_version( [MAJOR ] [MINOR ] [ROLLBACK ] [ROLLBACK_ROWS ]) # Adds a version item to the metadata block, with the given major, minor and # rollback version, along with the rollback rows. These are appended as arguments # to PICOTOOL_EXTRA_PROCESS_ARGS if setting the rollback version, or set as compile # definitions if only setting the major/minor versions. function(pico_set_binary_version TARGET) set(oneValueArgs MAJOR MINOR ROLLBACK) set(multiValueArgs ROWS) cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV 1 SV "" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}") # get and set, to inherit list get_target_property(extra_args ${TARGET} PICOTOOL_EXTRA_PROCESS_ARGS) if (extra_args) set_target_properties(${TARGET} PROPERTIES PICOTOOL_EXTRA_PROCESS_ARGS ${extra_args}) endif() if (SV_ROLLBACK) if (SV_MAJOR) # append major version set_property(TARGET ${TARGET} APPEND PROPERTY PICOTOOL_EXTRA_PROCESS_ARGS "--major" "${SV_MAJOR}" ) endif() if (SV_MINOR) # append minor version set_property(TARGET ${TARGET} APPEND PROPERTY PICOTOOL_EXTRA_PROCESS_ARGS "--minor" "${SV_MINOR}" ) endif() # append rollback version set_property(TARGET ${TARGET} APPEND PROPERTY PICOTOOL_EXTRA_PROCESS_ARGS "--rollback" "${SV_ROLLBACK}" ) if (SV_ROWS) # append rollback rows foreach(row IN LISTS SV_ROWS) set_property(TARGET ${TARGET} APPEND PROPERTY PICOTOOL_EXTRA_PROCESS_ARGS "${row}" ) endforeach() endif() else() if (SV_MAJOR) # set major version target_compile_definitions(${TARGET} PRIVATE PICO_CRT0_VERSION_MAJOR=${SV_MAJOR}) endif() if (SV_MINOR) # append minor version target_compile_definitions(${TARGET} PRIVATE PICO_CRT0_VERSION_MINOR=${SV_MINOR}) endif() endif() endfunction() # pico_set_uf2_family(TARGET FAMILY) # Set the UF2 family to use when creating the UF2. # This sets PICOTOOL_UF2_FAMILY to FAMILY. function(pico_set_uf2_family TARGET FAMILY) set_target_properties(${TARGET} PROPERTIES PICOTOOL_UF2_FAMILY ${FAMILY} ) endfunction() # pico_sign_binary(TARGET [SIGFILE]) # Sign the target binary with the given PEM signature. This sets # PICOTOOL_SIGN_OUTPUT to true, PICOTOOL_SIGFILE to SIGFILE (if specified), # and PICOTOOL_OTP_FILE to ${TARGET}.otp.json (if not already set). To # specify a common SIGFILE for multiple targets, the SIGFILE property can be # set for a given scope, and then the SIGFILE argument is optional. function(pico_sign_binary TARGET) # Enforce signing through target properties set_target_properties(${TARGET} PROPERTIES PICOTOOL_SIGN_OUTPUT true ) if (ARGC EQUAL 2) set_target_properties(${TARGET} PROPERTIES PICOTOOL_SIGFILE ${ARGV1} ) else() get_target_property(sig_file ${TARGET} PICOTOOL_SIGFILE) if (NOT sig_file) message(FATAL_ERROR "Signature file not set for ${TARGET}") endif() endif() get_target_property(otp_file ${TARGET} PICOTOOL_OTP_FILE) if (NOT otp_file) set_target_properties(${TARGET} PROPERTIES PICOTOOL_OTP_FILE "${TARGET}.otp.json" ) endif() endfunction() # pico_hash_binary(TARGET) # Hash the target binary. This sets PICOTOOL_HASH_OUTPUT to true. function(pico_hash_binary TARGET) # Enforce hashing through target properties set_target_properties(${TARGET} PROPERTIES PICOTOOL_HASH_OUTPUT true ) endfunction() # pico_embed_pt_in_binary(TARGET PTFILE) # Create the specified partition table from JSON, and embed it in the # block loop. This sets PICOTOOL_EMBED_PT to PTFILE. function(pico_embed_pt_in_binary TARGET PTFILE) set_target_properties(${TARGET} PROPERTIES PICOTOOL_EMBED_PT ${PTFILE} ) endfunction() # pico_encrypt_binary(TARGET AESFILE [SIGFILE]) # Encrypt the target binary with the given AES key (should be a binary # file containing 32 bytes of a random key), and sign the encrypted binary. # This sets PICOTOOL_AESFILE to AESFILE, and PICOTOOL_ENC_SIGFILE to SIGFILE # if present, else PICOTOOL_SIGFILE. function(pico_encrypt_binary TARGET AESFILE) set_target_properties(${TARGET} PROPERTIES PICOTOOL_AESFILE ${AESFILE} ) if (ARGC EQUAL 3) set_target_properties(${TARGET} PROPERTIES PICOTOOL_ENC_SIGFILE ${ARGV2} ) else() get_target_property(enc_sig_file ${TARGET} PICOTOOL_ENC_SIGFILE) if (NOT enc_sig_file) get_target_property(sig_file ${TARGET} PICOTOOL_SIGFILE) if (NOT sig_file) message(FATAL_ERROR "Signature file not set for ${TARGET}") else() set_target_properties(${TARGET} PROPERTIES PICOTOOL_ENC_SIGFILE ${sig_file} ) endif() endif() endif() endfunction() # pico_add_uf2_output(TARGET) # Add a UF2 output using picotool - must be called after # all required properties have been set function(pico_add_uf2_output TARGET) pico_init_picotool() get_target_property(${TARGET}_archive_directory ${TARGET} ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY) if (${TARGET}_archive_directory) get_filename_component(output_path "${${TARGET}_archive_directory}" REALPATH BASE_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}") file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${output_path}") set(output_path "${output_path}/") else() set(output_path "") endif() get_target_property(${TARGET}_uf2_package_addr ${TARGET} PICOTOOL_UF2_PACKAGE_ADDR) if (${TARGET}_uf2_package_addr) set(uf2_package_args "-o;${${TARGET}_uf2_package_addr}") endif() get_target_property(extra_uf2_args ${TARGET} PICOTOOL_EXTRA_UF2_ARGS) if (1) # TODO: A2 only (Errata RP2350-E9) if (NOT extra_uf2_args) set(extra_uf2_args "--abs-block") elseif(NOT "--abs-block" IN_LIST extra_uf2_args) list(APPEND extra_uf2_args "--abs-block") endif() else() if (NOT extra_uf2_args) set(extra_uf2_args "") endif() endif() if (picotool_FOUND) get_target_property(picotool_family ${TARGET} PICOTOOL_UF2_FAMILY) if (NOT picotool_family) if (PICOTOOL_DEFAULT_FAMILY) set(picotool_family ${PICOTOOL_DEFAULT_FAMILY}) else() set(picotool_family ${PICO_PLATFORM}) endif() endif() add_custom_command(TARGET ${TARGET} POST_BUILD COMMAND picotool ARGS uf2 convert --quiet ${uf2_package_args} $ ${output_path}$>,$,$>.uf2 --family ${picotool_family} ${extra_uf2_args} COMMAND_EXPAND_LISTS VERBATIM) endif() endfunction() # Run picotool post-processing on the binary - must be called after # all required properties have been set function(picotool_postprocess_binary TARGET) # Read target properties get_target_property(picotool_sign_output ${TARGET} PICOTOOL_SIGN_OUTPUT) if (picotool_sign_output) list(APPEND picotool_args "--sign") get_target_property(picotool_sigfile ${TARGET} PICOTOOL_SIGFILE) endif() get_target_property(picotool_hash_output ${TARGET} PICOTOOL_HASH_OUTPUT) if (picotool_hash_output) list(APPEND picotool_args "--hash") endif() get_target_property(otp_file ${TARGET} PICOTOOL_OTP_FILE) if (NOT otp_file) set(otp_file "") endif() get_target_property(uf2_package_addr ${TARGET} PICOTOOL_UF2_PACKAGE_ADDR) # Embed PT properties get_target_property(picotool_embed_pt ${TARGET} PICOTOOL_EMBED_PT) # Encryption properties get_target_property(picotool_aesfile ${TARGET} PICOTOOL_AESFILE) get_target_property(picotool_enc_sigfile ${TARGET} PICOTOOL_ENC_SIGFILE) # Extra args get_target_property(extra_process_args ${TARGET} PICOTOOL_EXTRA_PROCESS_ARGS) if (extra_process_args) list(APPEND picotool_args ${extra_process_args}) endif() pico_init_picotool() if (picotool_FOUND) # Embed PT if (picotool_embed_pt) add_custom_command(TARGET ${TARGET} POST_BUILD DEPENDS ${picotool_embed_pt} COMMAND picotool partition create --quiet ${picotool_embed_pt} $ $ VERBATIM) endif() # Signing/hashing/load maps for packaging if ( picotool_sign_output OR picotool_hash_output OR uf2_package_addr OR extra_process_args ) add_custom_command(TARGET ${TARGET} POST_BUILD DEPENDS ${picotool_sigfile} COMMAND picotool ARGS seal --quiet $ $ ${picotool_sigfile} ${otp_file} ${picotool_args} COMMAND_EXPAND_LISTS VERBATIM) endif() # Encryption if (picotool_aesfile) add_custom_command(TARGET ${TARGET} POST_BUILD DEPENDS ${picotool_enc_sigfile} ${picotool_aesfile} COMMAND picotool encrypt --quiet --hash --sign $ $ ${picotool_aesfile} ${picotool_enc_sigfile} VERBATIM) if (ARGC EQUAL 2) set(${ARGV1} TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endif() endif() endfunction()