How To Use with Qt Creator -------------------------- (1) install what you need: - install cmake and GNU C/C++ compiler for ARM and your PC - compile the SDK - see: pico/pico-sdk/ (2) create project folder and setup project: - duplicate and rename folder - put new project side-by-side with "pico-sdk/" - edit CMakeList.txt: => change set(PROJECT my_project_name) to your project name $> export PICO_SDK_PATH=../../pico-sdk or hard path to pico-sdk $> cd PROJECT/build-debug $> cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .. $> cd PROJECT/build-release $> cmake .. bzw. für VGA Demo-Board: $> cd PROJECT/build-debug $> cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DPICO_BOARD=vgaboard .. $> cd PROJECT/build-release $> cmake -DPICO_BOARD=vgaboard .. NOTE: if something went wrong and had to be corrected: before you resume delete entire contents of the build folders. for problems in Qt Creator delete CMakeLists.txt.user too. (3) setup Qt Creator project and start working: - open project in Qt Creator The import dialog should present the "Imported Kit" preselected with the build-styles Debug and Release with their correct build directories preselected => accept