JEDEC file parameter Selecting this menu puts up a requester in which you can determine parameters concerning the writing of JEDEC files. Security bit: If this is enabled, GALer will write JEDEC files in which a special flag is set. Reading this JEDEC file to program a GAL will bring up a requester in which you can choose to set the security bit after programming or not. Fuse-Checksum: If this is enabled, GALer will write JEDEC files with a checksum calculated over all fuses. Manually changed fuses (with text editor) will be detected by GALer and GALer will warn you that this JEDEC file has been changed when reading this file next time. You are allowed to change comments etc. but you are not allowed to change fuses ('0' and '1'). File-Checksum: If this is enabled, GALer will write JEDEC files with a checksum calculated over all characters in this file. This means that you are not allowed to change anything in this file by using a text editor.