Documentation for my USBtiny board 2009-11-10 Main board: - ATtiny 12 MHz with USBtiny 2.0 Software - Socket for ATtiny2313 clock input is marked - header 10 pin 1 MOSI 2 5V Vcc 3 no pin 4,6,8,10 GND 5 RST 7 SCK 9 MISO -header 6-pin: 1 MISO 2 Vcc 3 SCK 4 MOSI 5 RST 6 GND -Jumper red (normally set) Connect USB Vcc to USBtiny Vcc yellow (normally set) Connect target device Vcc to USBtiny Vcc black (normally open) Self-programming enabled connects pin 1 (!reset,dW,PA2) of the USBtiny to RST this allows self-programming of the USBtiny. -LED red power-on and target device detected note: off after power-up. on after first command from prommer application. green programming in progress Extender board: Socket for ATMega8 28-pin and 40-pin