GALasm 2.1 Portable GAL Assembler Copyright (c) 1998-2003 Alessandro Zummo Original sources Copyright (c) 1991-96 Christian Habermann All Rights Reserved Commercial use is strictly forbidden Introduction ------------ GALasm was created simply because there were no other open source GAL assemblers. The assembler core is basically the one of GALer, a GAL development environment for the Amiga platform. I was unable to get in touch with his author to get the permission to do the port, so if he complains i'll have to stop the development. Copyright --------- GALasm is Copyright (c) 1998-2003 by Alessandro Zummo but any bug and any piece of code taken from the original GALer sources is still Copyright (c) 1991-96 by Christian Habermann. Disclaimer ---------- The authors can not be made responsible for any damage caused by a fault of GALasm. In other words: use it at your own risk. Even if i've ported it, i've not fully understood every aspect of the assembler core. Sources ------- The sources are written in ANSI-C, so it should be possible to compile them on any platform. The sources have been successfully compiled with SAS/C on the Amiga platform and with gcc on Debian GNU/Linux. About GALs ---------- Some kind of GALs are not reprogrammable and some others, especially the one i belong to, are even not programmable at all... ok, just kidding. The original GALer documentation is a very well written, so if you want to know how to write down a GAL equation, run your favorite browser and load galer/main.html. All the non-Amiga related sections are still valid for GALasm. GALasm ------ If you type GALasm -h you should obtain the following text: GALasm 2.1, Portable GAL Assembler Copyright (c) 1998-2003 Alessandro Zummo. All Rights Reserved Original sources Copyright (c) 1991-96 Christian Habermann Usage: GALasm [-scfpa] -s Enable security fuse -c Do not create the .chp file -f Do not create the .fus file -p Do not create the .pin file -a Restrict checksum to the fuse array only I think it's self explanatory, but if you've any trouble, drop me a note. Author ------ The author can be contacted at If you have a bug report, a comment or anything else, feel free to write me.