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Port A IO F1 board BUFFALO Monitor Intro to uP (lectures+data)
Data Books Misc. HC11 programming

Port A IO

Port A Use: Using buffalo-3.4r1.4 in your F1 board and wanting to use ALL of port A for input/output? If so, you can disable the use that buffalo's TRACE command makes of port A line 3 (PA3) and an associated timer by executing the following assembly language statements:

REGBS   EQU     $1000           ; start of 68HC11 onboard peripheral registers
TCTL1   EQU     REGBS+$20       ; timer control register 1

        clr     TCTL1           ; disable timers on port A (buffalo TRACE)
or the following C function (the hc11f1.h include file is supplied in the 68HC11 GNU C cross compiler system mentioned below):

#include "hc11f1.h"

void pinit()
  TCTL1 = 0;
Of course, this prevents the TRACE command from working (but unless you have jumpered the PA3 line to the XIRQ line, you aren't using the TRACE command anyway).

The F1 board

68HC11 BUFFALO Monitor

68HC11 programming

68HC11 Data Books


To Phillip's home page

Updated: May 12, 2005.