NEW MICROS, INC. 1601 CHALK HILL RD. DALLAS, TX. 75212 PH: 214 339-2204 FAX: 214 339-1585 BUF34A Motorola Buffalo Monitor Modified by NMI 9/97 The buffalo monitor is the eprom based monitor supplied on the Motorola 68HC11 EVB development boards. This version has been modified by NMI to provide the following enhancements: External I/O devices are disabled so that RAM can be placed anywhere in the memory map. The internal SCI is the default I/O device. Getting Started: If you received the Buffalo monitor as a Hex file or S Record on disk, you will need to send one of these files to an Eprom programmer and program an 8K by 8 Eprom (27C64 200ns or faster). The 27C64 eprom containing the Buffalo monitor will be in- stalled in the memory socket located at addresses E000 to FFFF in the 68HC11 memory map. On NMI boards this is the right most memory socket. Verify the memory option straps on the board. For NMI F68HC11FN microcontrollers, the internal Rom contain- ing the Max Forth operating system must be disabled for the exter- nal program to operate. To do this the Wipe35 program must be executed to reconfigure the 68HC11 for external program access. Mode straps are provided on NMI boards so that Bootstrap mode can be easily selected. The Wipe program menu will explain the proce- dure for changing the configuration. After the Wipe35 program is completed, a Reset applied to the board should generate the Buffalo prompt on the terminal. Operation notes: The buffalo provides an autostart vector to $B600 hex, the beginning of internal EEPROM. This feature is controlled by In- put Port E bit 0. This port pin must be connected to ground via pull-down resistor or direct connection during RESET for normal buffalo operation. If this pin is not connected, random opera- tion of the Buffalo may occur during RESET. If the pin is con- nected to a high level, the autostart vector is enabled and machine code must be in place at address location $B600 for cor- rect operation of the MC68HC11. 1 Serial Port baud rate is 9600, 8 bits, one stop, no parity. Buffalo uses Ram locations $0036 to $00ff hex. Do not modify these ram locations in your code. I/O and Control Registers are located at $1000 - $103F hex. Type H at at the monitor prompt to get the help screen. Using the monitor: Basic use of the monitor will be to download an Motorola S Record of a program and execute the program using the monitor as a high level control device. Following is the basic flow of developement using the Buffalo Monitor: 1. Develope program using Smallc or Assembly on the PC. 2. Compile and assemble code to generate an S Record file. ( Be careful where you orginate the program, the highest available address during buffalo operation is $DFFF hex. Higher addresses will generate a load error message) 3. Send the S record to the board by using the Load T command to downloading your file from the PC. If you are currently using MAXTERM just press [ALT+D] then enter the S19 file to be downloaded. 4. Execute your program using the buffalo Single Step, Trace, BR, or Go commands. Good-luck. 2