THE SPECTRUM GAME DATABASE STONKERS PUBLISHER Imagine AUTHOR Game design: D.H. Lawson & John Gibson. Programming: John Gibson. Screen graphics: Paul Lindale. YEAR 1983 DESCRIPTION Stonkers is a real-time strategic wargame. CONTROLS You can either use keyboard or joystick. LEFT - CAPS, X, V, N, or SYMBOL SHIFT. RIGHT - Z, C, B, M, or SPACE. DOWN - A, S, D, F, G, H, J, K, or L. UP - Q, W, E, R, T, Y, U, I, O, OR P. FIRE - Any key on the top row. INSTRUCTIONS Please see the inlay card text. CHEATS SEQUELS/PREQUELS INLAY CARD TEXT STONKERS You are poised on the very brink of battle. Your forces are marshalled to overcome the enemy bastion. As Commanding General it is now up to you to out think, out manoeuvre and out fight the enemy. Your army has had the enemy port and H.Q. under siege for weeks, now is the time for battle to commence. It is you and you alone who must decide the strategy to adopt in order to defeat your formidable foe. As you scan your battle map and endeavour to deploy the tanks, infantry and artillery under your command skillfully enough to capture your objectives, you can't help but feel apprehension as to the outcome of this decisive engagement. Suddenly you are locked in mortal combat; problems and decisions are heaped upon your shoulders; ammo and supplies are running low, can you spare another tank division in the eastern sector? The enemy are thrusting forward on your left flank, will you find that vulnerable spot? Will victory be yours...... LOADING: Place the cassette into your tape recorder with the printed side facing upward. Ensure that a lead goes from the EAR socket on the SPECTRUM to the EAR socket on the recorder and that the MIC socket is disconnected. Rewind the tape to the beginning. Type one of the following:- LOAD "stonkers" ENTER. The word LOAD is obtained by depressing the J key, and the quotes by depressing the SYMBOL SHIFT and P keys simultaneously. ENTER means to press the key marked ENTER. Also note that there is no space between the two quotes in this method. Press play on the recorder. If loading is successful a flashing message will appear on the screen in several seconds. The process is entirely automatic from there on. If problems are experienced adjust your volume control and try again or re-read chapter six of your introductory manual. Stonkers will only work with a 48K ZX Spectrum. A map of the total war zone will appear on the screen: the two purple shaded areas on the left are the enemy Port and H.Q.; the two purple shaded areas on the right are your Port and H.Q. The strength of both armies is also shown: each armoured division is depicted by a tank; each artillery division by a gun and each infantry division by a man. Your four supply units are depicted by trucks. The enemy forces are coloured blue, yours are black. Also on the screen will be a diagonally striped cursor which can be moved over the battle zone by using your Joystick or - LEFT - CAPS, X, V, N, or SYMBOL SHIFT. RIGHT - Z, C, B, M, or SPACE. DOWN - A, S, D, F, G, H, J, K, or L. UP - Q, W, E, R, T, Y, U, I, O, OR P. CHOICE OF BATTLES: Stonkers can be played on two levels, one more difficult than the other. On pressing joystick fire button, or any key on the top row, the area immediately below the cursor is magnified 64 times; it is on this scale map that the battle is fought. Press fire button again (or any top row key) and you are back on the small scale total war zone map. The bright areas of the small scale map show the displacement of your divisions, and the small black dots the position of your two supply ships. On the larger scale map you have an X shaped cursor, which is moved in the same way as the diagonally shaped cursor on the total war zone map. INFORMATION: Whilst the battle is in progress you will be kept up to date with constant news flashes on your 'ticker tape'. You are also reminded on regular intervals how long you have been engaged in combat. DEPLOYMENT: To deploy your divisions place your X cursor directly over the division required and press 'fire', the cursor will then adopt that division's shape and your strength status will be displayed below. Move cursor to the position you want your division to occupy, press 'fire' again; and your division will deploy to that position. As you deploy your forces the large scale map will automatically scroll over the entire battle zone. Remember, as your forces are advancing on the enemy strongholds their forces are advancing on yours. Whilst playing the more difficult version you can only see the enemy divisions when one of your divisions is in the same vicinity. You must be constantly on your guard. COMBAT: When opposing forces meet, whether by accident or design they will engage in combat; and remember, an armoured division is superior in strength to an artillery division which in turn is superior to an infantry division. Whilst engaged in combat your forces turn yellow and the enemy a light blue. The forces remain in combat until one of the divisions is either destroyed or retreats. To retreat from combat use the same method as deployment. SUPPLIES: Your four supply units are non combatant and are used to keep your combat troops supplied with food and ammo; to do this you must deploy your supply unit to the same location as a battle division. Once your supply unit arrives the battle divisions supply strength will increase. You must not allow any divisions supply strength to drop to zero or that division will be lost for good. A depleted supply unit will be replenished when your supply ship docks. Capturing enemy supply units will be to your advantage; but don't let yours fall into enemy hands. MOBILITY: The speed at which a division or unit moves is determined by the terrain it is travelling over; fast on the plain and slower by varying degrees in the mountains, woods and marshes. PAUSE: Whilst your X cursor is directly above one of your divisions or in the process of 'issuing orders' the game is suspended. OBJECTIVE: To gain victory you must destroy all the enemy combat divisions or occupy the enemy port and H.Q. SURPRISES: Yes there are quite a few; but it's up to you to find them. Good luck, and good hunting! GAME DESIGN: D.H. Lawson & John Gibson. PROGRAMMING: John Gibson. SCREEN GRAPHICS: Paul Lindale. ILLUSTRATION: Gordon Brooks. HINTS/CHEATS The easiest way to win this game is to organise your whole army around the port, as close as possible, but spread about enough to enable you to supply specific units without them accidently supplying other ones. Each time you get a round of supply units, send each of them immediately towards a group of units of the same type, so that you know which ones have been supplied and which ones not, since it is easy to lose track. If you manage to supply a unit before the ship has left, the supply unit will immediately be replaced for you to supply another type of unit. Sometimes you may be able to supply up to three units with one supply unit if you can do it quickly. Simply keep doing this until the enemy arrives (it may take some time, so speed up your emulator). Then simply attack the enemy in force as they come to you. You will be able to easily resupply your units, and eventually the enemy will be overcome through lack of supplies. SCORES RECEIVED URL GENERAL FACTS NOTES