Mikro-Plus+ by Mikro-Gen This is a replacement for the Spectrum ROM that allows games to use the full 64k of RAM, as the first 16K of the game was in a ROM in the Mikro-Plus and the remaining 48k was loaded into RAM from tape as usual. No Spectrum ROM routines were used by the game and it would automatically load the second 48k of the game from tape when the Spectrum was switched on if the Mikro-Plus was attached. Incorporates a Joystick Adapter. Meant as a complete end to games piracy on the Spectrum if it had been more successful... It was intended to be used for 3 Weeks in Paradise and Battle of the Planets, but launched with Shadow of the Unicorn The cost to produce it was too high and the sales of Shadow were too low, so the idea was dropped and 3 Weeks and Battle rewritten to use less RAM, but there were still a few unsold Mikro-Pluses with 16k of Shadow of the Unicorn on them. Can also be adapted to take a socketed EPROM of your own creation and with a switch, used to flip between the normal Spectrum ROM and any ROM contents you like.