vipsi - VIP script interpreter version 0.9.a0
(c) 1994-2019 Günter Woigk
vipsi - shell and script language:

An error occured while processing the script

Variable "env._" not found
{ { row=80, col=31, file="/home/kio/pub/Develop/Projects/zasm/Libraries/cstrings/scripts/create_all.vs", info="" }, { row=46, col=40, file="/home/kio/pub/Develop/Projects/zasm/Libraries/cstrings/scripts/create_all.vs", info="calculateFileAndDirectoryPaths()" } }

Maybe the owner of this site is moving things around.
If this problem persists over a prolongued time, e.g. more than an hour,
please inform someone who can help.