During Boot: 1. setup SIO 2. short message 3. magic key for Firmware upload 4. messages for initialized modules 5. message for system version o.Ä. 6. start "Shell" Shell: 1. display message 2. show prompt 3. line editor 4. parse command 5a. execute built-in command or 5b. load executable from disk and execute it Built-in commands: help or ? show help reset set date = 1.2.2016 set time = 22:10:30 show date show time run test1 run misc. software tests run test2 run test_ide run IDE device test set sio1 = 19200 set SIO speed set sio1 = +hw set hardware (rts,cts) flow control set sio1 = +sw set software (xon,xoff) flow control show sio1 show sio1 settings show free mem show free heap space without GC run compact run GC and show free heap space wait wait for event: most probably system timer wait wait duration: seconds may be fractional sophisticated: for(a=0; a<10; a++) { command; … } for file system: ls . show device tree cwd "some path" change working directory pwd show (print) working directory mount "some path" unmount "some path" touch "filename" create file download sio1 "filename" download (binary) data into file Disk-resident commands: format HD empty trash delete file rename file move file delete dir rename dir move dir show directory show text file show binary file as hex emit test for graphics terminal